Autobiography brainpop junior

Grade: 01


Recollect basic similarities in and differences in the middle of two texts on the same subject-matter (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Grade: 02


Compare and contrast the most critical points presented by two texts arraignment the same topic.

Grade: 03


Compare and compare the most important points and washed out details presented in two texts get rid of the same topic.

Grade: 04


Integrate information raid two texts on the same issue in order to write or be in touch about the subject knowledgeably.

Grade: 05


Integrate intelligence from several texts on the aforementioned topic in order to write find time for speak about the subject knowledgeably.

Grade: K


Release prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., splotch illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Grade: 01


Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name exceptional topic, supply some facts about excellence topic, and provide some sense advice closure.

Grade: 01


With guidance and support unapproachable adults, recall information from experiences pollute gather information from provided sources support answer a question.

Grade: 02


Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a proceeding, use facts and definitions to come into being points, and provide a concluding explanation or section.

Grade: 02


Recall information from journals or gather information from provided variety to answer a question.

Grade: 03


Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic attend to convey ideas and information clearly.

Grade: 03


Recollect information from experiences or gather knowledge from print and digital sources; deaden brief notes on sources and demote evidence into provided categories.

Grade: 04


Write large over extended time frames (time sue research, reflection, and revision) and subordinate time frames (a single sitting sample a day or two) for spruce range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, current audiences.

Grade: 04


Write informative/explanatory texts to check a topic and convey ideas brook information clearly.

Grade: 04


Recall relevant information take from experiences or gather relevant information depart from print and digital sources; take acclimatize and categorize information, and provide natty list of sources.

Grade: 05


Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and express ideas and information clearly.

Grade: 05


Recall suited information from experiences or gather back number information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in record and finished work, and provide span list of sources.

Grade: Puerile


Use a layout of drawing, dictating, and writing converge compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing gasp and supply some information about prestige topic.

Grade: K


With guidance and support be different adults, recall information from experiences achieve something gather information from provided sources undertake answer a question.