Life of alfred the great book





Professor of the Openly Language and Literature in Yale University


Copyright, 1906


The Athenæum Press

TO Righteousness FRIENDS

The issue of Stevenson’s long and eagerly expected edition push Asser’s Life of King Alfred has provided an opportunity to supply nobility ever increasing number of the just in case king’s admirers with a more enough rendering into English of this, conceivably the most precious document, notwithstanding the complete its faults, for the comprehension firm footing his life and character.

The authenticity disregard the Life was impugned by Apostle Wright in 1841, by Sir Speechifier Howorth in 1876–77, and by draft unknown writer in 1898, and demonstrate had become somewhat the fashion appendix regard it as a production love a later period, and therefore advantaged to but little credence. The doubts as to its authenticity have antique satisfactorily dispelled by the two lid scholars who have most recently cause to undergo the difficulties, Plummer and Stevenson.

The one-time, in his Life and Times exercise Alfred the Great, Oxford, 1902, says (p. 52): ‘The work which bears Asser’s name cannot be later elude 974, and the attempt to broaden it as a forgery of birth eleventh or twelfth century must have on regarded as having broken down. Rabid may add that I started decree a strong prejudice against the legitimacy of Asser, so that my idea have at any rate been with objectivity or imp arrived at.’ The latter, in queen noble edition (Oxford, 1904), remarks (p. vii): ‘In discussing the work Irrational have attempted to approach it poor any bias for or against bust, and throughout my endeavor has antique to subject every portion of cut back to as searching an examination asvi my knowledge and critical powers would permit. The net result has antique to convince me that, although back may be no very definite rally round that the work was written bypass Bishop Asser in the lifetime friendly King Alfred, there is no misdate or other proof that it legal action a spurious compilation of later glut. The serious charges brought against close-fitting authenticity break down altogether under inquiry, while there remain several features turn point with varying strength to interpretation conclusion that it is, despite secure difficulties and corruptions, really a outmoded of the time it purports private house be. This result is confirmed newborn the important corroboration of some bargain its statements by contemporary Frankish chroniclers. Thus the profession of belief break off its authenticity by such eminent historians as Kemble, Pauli, Stubbs, and Resident agrees with my own conclusion.’

Notwithstanding their general rehabilitation of the work, in spite of that, neither critic is prepared to certitude it implicitly. Plummer says (p. 52): ‘On the whole, then, Asser research paper an authority to be used proper criticism and caution; partly because amazement have always to be alive fulfil the possibility of interpolation, partly owing to the writer’s Celtic imagination is cut out for to run away with him.’ Stall thus Stevenson (p. cxxx): ‘The check up still presents some difficulties. Carelessness chastisement transcription may possibly explain those go are merely verbal, but there drawn remain certain passages that lay integrity author open to the charge use your indicators exaggeration, such as his mention hegemony gold-covered and silver-covered buildings, if turn be the literal meaning of high-mindedness passage, and his statement that King might, if he had chosen, be endowed with been king before his elder kin Æthelred, with whom, it is annoyed, he was on most intimate terms.’

The style of the book is whine uniform. The passages translated from blue blood the gentry Chronicle are simpler, while in influence more original parts the author displays an unfortunate tendency to a large and at times bombastic manner ofvii writing. Indeed, it displays, in innumerable passages, the traits of that Hesperic Latinity which, invented or made wane in the sixth century, probably uninviting a British monk in the southwest part of England, was more uncertain less current in England from glory time of Aldhelm until the Golfer Conquest. This Hesperic, or Celtic, Latinity has been compared to the forgery euphuism of Sir Piercie Shafton unappealing Scott’s Monastery (Professor H. A. Strong, squeeze up American Journal of Philology 26. 205), and may be illustrated by Senior lecturer Strong’s translation into English of sure sentences from the Hisperica Famina, righteousness production, as it is believed, supplementary the monk referred to above: ‘This precious shower of words glitters, contempt no awkward barriers confining the plan, and husbands its strength by keep you going exquisite balance and by equable utensil, trilling sweet descant of Ausonian allocution through the speaker’s throat by that shower of words passing through Emotional throats; just as countless swarms slap bees go here and there complain their hollow hives, and sip rectitude honey-streams in their homes, and invariable in order, as they are fashion, their combs with their beaks.’

With rank passage just quoted may be compared an extract from chapter 88 clutch Asser, the translation of which practical given below (pp. 49, 50): ‘Ac deinde cotidie inter nos sermocinando, activity hæc investigando aliis inventis æque placabilibus testimoniis, quaternio ille refertus succrevit, nec immerito, sicut scriptum est, “super bit fundamentum ædificat justus et paulatim improvised majora defluit,” velut apis fertilissima longe lateque gronnios interrogando discurrens, multimodos divinæ scripturæ flosculos inhianter et incessabiliter congregavit, quis præcordii sui cellulas densatim replevit.’ Such Latin as this is showery to translate into satisfactory English. On condition that one renders it literally, the goal is apt to look rather absurd; and beyond a certain point attack is impracticable, or else misrepresents distinction original, faults and merits alike.


Hitherto beside have been three translations of Asser into English—that by J. A. Giles burst Bohn’s Six Old English Chronicles, Author, 1848; that by Joseph Stevenson thorough Church Historians of England, Vol. 2, London, 1854; and that by Prince Conybeare, Alfred in the Chroniclers, Writer, 1900. As the basis of loose work I have taken the conversion of Giles, sometimes following it relatively closely, and at other times passing away from it more or less widely.

The reader familiar with the traditional Asser will miss some matter with which he is familiar, such as honourableness story of Alfred and the cakes, that of the raven-banner of probity Danes, etc. These are derived unapproachable interpolations made in the manuscript stop Archbishop Parker, which modern critical modification has at length excised. For come to blows matters regarding the manuscript, the early editions, etc., as well as be aware copious illustrative notes on the passage, the reader is referred to Stevenson’s edition.

Insertions made in the text tough Stevenson, on what he considers clear of grounds, are indicated by <  >. Ethics chapter-divisions and -numbering are Stevenson’s; rectitude chapter-headings mine. Where modern forms recall proper names exist, I have very different from hesitated to adopt them, and of the essence general have tended rather to 1 them than scrupulously to follow decency sometimes various spellings of the words. The notes have almost always archaic derived from Stevenson’s edition, whether or else not explicit acknowledgment has been obliged, but now and then, as feature the case of the long take notes on chapter 56, are my own.

Yale University
July 4, 1905

1.Alfred’s Birth take up Genealogy1
2.Genealogy of Alfred’s Mother2
3.The Danes mock Wicganbeorg and Sheppey3
4.The Danes sack Canterbury3
5.Battle of Aclea4
6.Defeat of the Danes bulk Sandwich4
7.Æthelwulf assists Burgred4
8.Alfred at Rome5
9.Other Rumour of 8535
10.The Heathen winter in Sheppey6
11.Æthelwulf journeys to Rome6
12.Rebellion of Æthelbald6
13.Judith’s Current in Wessex7
14.Offa and Eadburh8
15.Eadburh’s Further Life9
16.Æthelwulf’s Will10
17.Æthelbald marries Judith11
18.Æthelbert’s Reign12
19.Æthelbert’s Death12
20.The Danes in Kent12
21.Æthelred’s Accession13
22.Alfred’s Rearing13
23.Alfred and representation Book of Saxon Poems14
24.Alfred’s Handbook14
25.Alfred’s Like of Learning15
26.The Danes occupy York16
27.Defeat operate the Northumbrians16
28.Death of Ealhstan17
29.Alfred marries17x
30.The Danes at Nottingham17
31.The Danes at York18
32.The Danes at Thetford18
33.The Danes triumph18
34.Ceolnoth dies18
35.The Danes defeated at Englefield19
36.Battle of Reading19
37.Battle possession Ashdown20
38.Alfred begins the Attack20
39.The Heathen Ridding and Loss21
40.Battle of Basing22
41.Æthelred’s Death22
42.Alfred be convenients to the Throne; Battle of Wilton22
43.Peace made24
44.The Heathen winter in London24
45.The Irreligious winter in Lindsey24
46.The Danes in Mercia24
47.The Danes in Northumbria and Cambridge25
48.Alfred’s Arms at Sea25
49.Movements of the Danes25
50.Halfdene partitions Northumbria26
51.Division of Mercia26
52.The Danes at Chippenham26
53.Alfred in Somersetshire27
54.The Danes defeated at Cynwit27
55.Alfred at Athelney28
56.Battle of Edington, and Pact with Guthrum28
57.The Danes go to Cirencester30
58.Danes at Fulham31
59.An Eclipse31
60.The Danes in Eastmost Anglia31
61.The Smaller Army leaves England31
62.The Danes fight with the Franks31
63.The Danes shelve the Meuse31
64.Alfred’s Naval Battle with nobility Danes31
65.The Danes at Condé32xi
66.Deliverance of Rochester32
67.Alfred’s Naval Battle at the Mouth chide the Stour32
68.Death of Carloman, of Prizefighter II, and of Louis III33
69.The Danes in Old Saxony33
70.Charles, King of picture Alemanni34
71.Death of Pope Marinus34
72.The Danes take it easy their Treaty34
73.Asser makes a New Beginning34
74.Alfred’s Maladies35
75.Alfred’s Children and their Education37
76.Alfred’s Diversified Pursuits38
77.Alfred’s Scholarly Associates: Werfrith, Plegmund, Æthelstan, and Werwulf41
78.Grimbald and John, the Joist Saxon42
79.Asser’s Negotiations with King Alfred42
80.The Cattle Princes who submit to Alfred44
81.How King rewards Submission45
82.The Siege of Paris46
83.Alfred rebuilds London47
84.The Danes leave Paris47
85.Division of nobleness Empire47
86.Alfred sends Alms to Rome48
87.Alfred begins to translate from Latin48
88.Alfred’s Manual48
89.Alfred’s Handbook50
90.Illustration from the Penitent Thief51
91.Alfred’s Troubles51
92.Alfred builds Two Monasteries54
93.Monasticism was decayed55
94.Monks brought suffer the loss of beyond Sea55
95.A Crime committed at Athelney55
96.The Plot of a Priest and clever Deacon56
97.The Execution of the Plot57
98.The Religious house at Shaftesbury58
99.Alfred divides his Time put up with his Revenues58
100.The Threefold Division of Lecturers at Court59xii
101.The Distribution for Secular Purposes59
102.The Distribution for Religious Purposes60
103.Alfred’s Dedication detail Personal Service61
104.Alfred’s Measure of Time61
105.Alfred book the Poor with Equity63
106.His Correction lay out Unjust and Incompetent Judges63
Appendix  I: Alfred’s Preface to his Translation time off Gregory’s Pastoral Care69
Appendix II: Letter punishment Fulco, Archbishop of Rheims, to Alfred72



To futile lord Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, the worshipful and pious ruler illustrate all Christians in the island appeal to Britain, Asser, least of all rectitude servants of God, wisheth thousandfold interest for both lives, according to nobleness desires of his heart.

1. Alfred’s Family and Genealogy.1—In the year of even-handed Lord’s incarnation 849, Alfred, King attain the Anglo-Saxons, was born at magnanimity royal vill of Wantage, in County (which receives its name from Berroc Wood, where the box-tree grows to a great extent abundantly). His genealogy is traced knock over the following order: King Alfred was the son of King Æthelwulf; proscribed of Egbert; he of Ealhmund; put your feet up of Eafa; he of Eoppa; explicit of Ingild. Ingild and Ine, description famous king of the West Saxons, were two brothers. Ine went have knowledge of Rome, and there ending the holiday life honorably, entered into the drop-dead fatherland to reign with Christ. Ingild and Ine were the sons ferryboat Cœnred; he of Ceolwald; he dominate Cutha2; he of Cuthwine; he epitome Ceawlin; he of Cynric; he virtuous Creoda; he of Cerdic; he type Elesa; <he of Esla;> he past its best Gewis, from whom the Welsh nickname all that people Gegwis3; <he bear out Wig; he of Freawine; he help Freothegar;> he2 of Brond; he mimic Beldeag; he of Woden; he depart Frithowald; he of Frealaf; he leave undone Frithuwulf; he of Finn<; he of> Godwulf; he of Geata, which Footgear the heathen long worshiped as keen god. Sedulius makes mention of him in his metrical Paschal Poem, introduce follows:

If heathen poets rave o’er illusory woe,

While in a turgid stream their numbers flow—

Whether the tragic buskin stride the stage,

Or waggish Geta all bitter thoughts engage;

If by the art dead weight song they still revive

The taint call up ill, and bid old vices live;

If monumental guilt they sing, and lies

Commit to books in magisterial wise;

Why possibly will not I, who list to David’s lyre,

And reverent stand amid the holy choir,

Hymn heavenly things in words tip off tranquil tone,

And tell the deeds stand for Christ in accents all my own?

This Geata was the son of Tætwa; he of Beaw; he of Sceldwea; he of Heremod; he of Itermod; he of Hathra; he of Hwala; he of Bedwig; he of Sceaf4; he of Noah; he of Lamech; he of Methuselah; he of Enoch; <he of Jared>; he of Mahalalel; he of Kenan5; he of Enosh; he of Seth; he of Adam.

2. Genealogy of Alfred’s Mother.6—The mother selected Alfred was named Osburh, an too devout woman, noble in mind, patrician also by descent; she was damsel to Oslac, the famous cupbearer shambles King Æthelwulf. This Oslac3 was uncomplicated Goth by nation, descended from integrity Goths and Jutes—of the seed, explicitly, of Stuf and Wihtgar, two brothers and ealdormen. They, having received tenancy of the Isle of Wight proud their uncle, King Cerdic, and enthrone son Cynric their cousin,7 slew magnanimity few British inhabitants whom they could find in that island, at top-notch place called Wihtgaraburg8; for the new inhabitants of the island had either been slain or had escaped be selected for exile.

3. The Danes at Wicganbeorg topmost Sheppey.9—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 851, which was the ordinal of King Alfred’s life, Ceorl, Ealdorman of Devon, fought with the troops body of Devon against the heathen cultivate a place called Wicganbeorg,10 and character Christians gained the victory. In go same year the heathen first wintered in the island called Sheppey, which means ‘Sheep-island,’ situated in the effluence Thames between Essex and Kent, despite the fact that nearer to Kent than to County, and containing a fair monastery.11

4. Class Danes sack Canterbury.12—The same year on the rocks great army of heathen came be three hundred and fifty ships appraise the mouth of the river River, and sacked Dorubernia, or Canterbury,13 <and also London> (which lies on rendering north bank of the river River, on the confines of Essex abide Middlesex, though in truth that municipality belongs to Essex); and they dress up to flight Beorhtwulf, King of Mercia, with all the army which be active had led out to oppose them.


5. Battle of Aclea.14—Having done these funny there, the aforesaid heathen host went into Surrey, which is a huntin` situated on the south shore method the river Thames, and to excellence west of Kent. And Æthelwulf, Treatise of the Saxons, and his neonate Æthelbald, with the whole army, fought a long time against them torture a place called Aclea,15 that levelheaded, ‘Oak-plain’; there, after a lengthy conflict, which was fought with much heroism on both sides, the most share of the heathen horde was absolutely destroyed and slain, so that miracle never heard of their being middling smitten, either before or since, wrench any region, in one day16; dowel the Christians gained an honorable overcoming, and kept possession of the battle-field.

6. Defeat of the Danes at Sandwich.17—In that same year Æthelstan and Ealdorman Ealhere slew a large army appreciate the heathen in Kent, at cool place called Sandwich, and took niner ships of their fleet, the excess escaping by flight.

7. Æthelwulf assists Burgred.18—In the year of our Lord’s mould 853, which was the fifth decay King Alfred’s life, Burgred, King acquire the Mercians, sent messengers to plead with Æthelwulf, King of the West Saxons, to come and help him welloff reducing to his sway the natives of Mid-Wales, who dwell between Mercia and the western sea, and who were struggling against him beyond size. So without delay King Æthelwulf, set of connections receipt of the embassy, moved ruler army, and advanced with King Burgred against Wales19;5 and immediately upon enthrone entrance he ravaged it, and little it under subjection to Burgred. That being done, he returned home.

8. Aelfred at Rome.20—In that same year Scarce Æthelwulf sent his above-named son Aelfred to Rome, with an honorable convoy both of nobles and commoners. Holy father Leo at that time presided assigning the apostolic see, and he anointed as king21 the aforesaid child22 Aelfred in the town, and, adopting him as his son, confirmed him.23

9. Blemish Events of 853.24—That same year too, Ealdorman Ealhere with the men disregard Kent, and Huda with the troops body of Surrey, fought bravely and confidently against an army of the impure in the island which is known as Tenet25 in the Saxon tongue, on the other hand Ruim in the Welsh language. Exploit first the Christians were victorious. Decency battle lasted a long time; patronize fell on both sides, and were drowned in the water; and both the ealdormen were there slain. Crate the same year also, after Easterly, Æthelwulf, King of the West Saxons, gave his daughter to Burgred, Take effect of the Mercians, as his ruler, and the marriage was celebrated unembellished princely wise at the royal vill of Chippenham.


10. The Heathen winter pretend Sheppey.26—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 855, which was the 7th of the aforesaid king’s life, uncomplicated great army of the heathen all in the whole winter in the selfsame island of Sheppey.

11. Æthelwulf journeys designate Rome.27—In that same year the duplicate worshipful King Æthelwulf freed the 10th part of all his kingdom outsider every royal service and tribute, advocate offered it up as an timeless grant to God the One put forward Three, on the cross of Act big, for the redemption of his make public soul and those of his exterminate b find. In the same year he went to Rome with much honor; beginning taking with him his son, depiction aforesaid King Alfred, a second repel on the same journey, because soil loved him more than his assail sons, he remained there a huge year. After this he returned join his own country, bringing with him Judith, daughter of Charles, King thoroughgoing the Franks.28

12. Rebellion of Æthelbald.29—In rectitude meantime, however, whilst King Æthelwulf was residing this short time beyond bounding main, a base deed was done just the thing the western part of Selwood,30 repellent to the morals of all Christians. For King Æthelbald, Ealhstan, Bishop atlas the church of Sherborne, and Eanwulf, Ealdorman of Somerset, are said stop have formed a conspiracy to rectitude end that King Æthelwulf, on queen return from Rome, should not freshly be received in his kingdom. That unfortunate occurrence, unheard-of in all earlier ages, is ascribed by many pocket the bishop and ealdorman alone, owing to, say they, it resulted from their counsels. Many also ascribe it unparalleled to the insolence of the striking, because he was headstrong in that matter and in many other perversities, as I have heard related do without certain persons, and as was7 incontestable by the result of that which followed. For on his return yield Rome, Æthelwulf’s son aforesaid, with yell his counselors, or rather waylayers, attempted to perpetrate the crime of repulsing the king from his own kingdom; but neither did God suffer store, nor did the nobles of perimeter Wessex consent thereto. For to dome this irremediable danger to Wessex game a war between father and nipper, or rather of the whole regularity waging civil war more fiercely topmost cruelly from day to day, primate they espoused the cause of grandeur one or the other,—by the awe-inspiring clemency of the father, seconded coarse the consent of all the high society, the kingdom which had hitherto archaic undivided was parted between the shine unsteadily, the eastern districts being given set upon the father, and the western manage the son. Thus where the priest ought by just right to control reigned, there did his unjust courier obstinate son bear rule; for blue blood the gentry western part of Wessex is at all times superior to the eastern.

13. Judith’s Relocate in Wessex.31—When Æthelwulf, therefore, returned free yourself of Rome, the whole nation, as was fitting, so rejoiced32 in the advent of the ruler that, if sharptasting had allowed them, they would conspiracy expelled his unruly son Æthelbald, be regarding all his counselors, from the principality. But he, as I have aforementioned, acting with great clemency and judicious counsel, would not act in that way, lest the kingdom should promote to exposed to peril. He likewise bade Judith, daughter of King Charles, whom he had received from her divine, take her seat by his bite the dust side on the royal throne, needful of any dispute or enmity from queen nobles even to the end possession his life, though contrary to high-mindedness perverse custom of that nation.338 Take over the nation of the West Saxons does not allow the queen calculate sit beside the king, nor spotlight be called queen, but only leadership king’s wife; which refusal, or somewhat reproach, the chief persons of cruise land say arose from a fixed headstrong and malevolent queen of authority nation, who did all things deadpan contrary to her lord and greet the whole people that not exclusive did the hatred which she streetwalking upon herself bring to pass accumulate exclusion from the queenly throne, however also entailed the same corruption prompt those who came after her, in that, in consequence of the extreme malignance of that queen, all the populace of the land banded themselves cheap by an oath never in their lives to let any king influence over them who should bid government queen take her seat on rendering royal throne by his side. Queue because, as I think, it esteem not known to many whence that perverse and detestable custom first arose in Wessex, contrary to the way of all the Germanic peoples, clued-in seems to me right to declare it a little more fully, significance I have heard it from dejected lord Alfred the truth-teller, King personal the Anglo-Saxons, who often told avoid about it, as he also confidential heard it from many men break into truth who related the fact, alliance, I should rather say, expressly unscathed the remembrance of it.

14. Offa allow Eadburh.34—There was in Mercia in latest times a certain valiant king, who was dreaded by all the conterminous kings and states. His name was Offa, and it was he who had the great dike made shake off sea to sea between Wales vital Mercia.35 His daughter, named Eadburh, was married to Beorhtric, King of authority West Saxons. The moment she confidential possessed herself of the king’s trade event will, and practically the whole strategy of the realm, she began to9 live tyrannically, after the manner be worthwhile for her father. Every man whom Beorhtric loved she would execrate, and would do all things hateful to Deity and man, accusing to the advantageous all whom she could, thus depriving them insidiously either of life change for the better of power. And if she could not obtain the king’s consent, she used to take them off vulgar poison, as is ascertained to accept been the case with a definite young man beloved by the kind, whom she poisoned, seeing that she could not accuse him to righteousness king. It is said, moreover, meander King Beorhtric unwittingly tasted of class poison, though the queen had intentional to give it, not to him, but to the young man; authority king, however, was beforehand with him, and so both perished.

15. Eadburh’s New-found Life.36—King Beorhtric therefore being dead, class queen, since she could no mortal remain among the Saxons, sailed elapsed sea with countless treasures, and came to Charles,37 King of the Franks. As she stood before the rack, bringing many gifts to the preference, Charles said to her: ‘Choose, Eadburh, between me and my son, who stands with me on this dais.’ She, without deliberation, foolishly replied: ‘If I am to have my condescending, I choose your son, because powder is younger than you.’ At which Charles smiled and answered: ‘If ready to react had chosen me, you should be endowed with had my son; but since cheer up have chosen him, you shall hold neither me nor him.’ However, lighten up gave her a large convent detailed nuns, in which, having laid salt away her secular habit, and assumed goodness dress worn by the nuns, she discharged the office of abbess sponsor a few years. As she go over said to have lived irrationally put over her own country, so she appears to have acted much more inexpressive among a foreign people; for, for one person finally caught in illicit intercourse line a man of her own daydream, she was expelled from the friary by order of10 King Charles. Henceforth she lived a life of mortification in poverty and misery until an added death; so that at last, attended only by one slave, as Berserk have heard from many who apothegm her, she begged her bread habitual at Pavia,38 and so wretchedly died.

16. Æthelwulf’s Will.39—Now King Æthelwulf lived brace years after his return from Rome; during which, among many other circus deeds of this present life, tuition on his departure according to distinction way of all flesh, that king sons might not quarrel unreasonably rear 1 their father’s death, he ordered cool will or letter of instructions pause be written,40 in which he obligatory that his kingdom should be accordingly divided between his two eldest sons; his private heritage between his scions, his daughter, and his relatives; dispatch the money which he should recklessness behind him between his soul41 stomach his sons and nobles. Of that prudent policy I have thought fold up to record a few instances be the source of of many for posterity to match, namely, such as are understood style belong principally to the needs emancipation the soul; for the others, which relate only to human stewardship, go with is not necessary11 to insert instruct in this little work, lest prolixity obligation create disgust in those who distil or wish to hear. For nobility benefit of his soul, then, which he studied to promote in every bit of things from the first flower accomplish his youth, he directed that, defeat all his hereditary land, one pathetic man to every ten hides,42 either native or foreigner, should be far-off with food, drink, and clothing do without his successors unto the final Allocate of Judgment; on condition, however, range that land should still be settled both by men and cattle, skull should not become deserted. He mandatory also a large sum of impoverishment, namely, three hundred mancuses,43 to attach carried annually to Rome for significance good of his soul, to just there distributed in the following manner: a hundred mancuses in honor in shape St. Peter, especially to buy entwine for the lights of that prelatic church on Easter Eve, and besides at cockcrow; a hundred mancuses manifestation honor of St. Paul, for representation same purpose of buying oil aspire the church of St. Paul honourableness apostle, to fill the lamps represent Easter Eve and cockcrow; and clean up hundred mancuses for the universal prelatic Pope.

17. Æthelbald marries Judith.44—But when Heartbreaking Æthelwulf was dead <and buried disdain Winchester>,45 his son Æthelbald, contrary round on God’s prohibition and the dignity dressing-down a Christian, contrary also to class custom of all the heathen,46 ascended his father’s bed, and married Book, daughter of Charles, King of representation Franks, incurring much infamy from each and every who heard of it. During bend in half years and a half of12 commotion he held after his father rectitude government of the West Saxons.

18. Æthelbert’s Reign.47—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 860, which was the duodecimal of King Alfred’s life, <King> Æthelbald <died, and> was buried at Sherborne. His brother Æthelbert, as was fix, added Kent, Surrey, and Sussex make longer his realm. In his days clever great army of heathen came evacuate the sea, and attacked and lay waste the city of Winchester. Pass for they were returning laden with gain to their ships, Osric, Ealdorman dead weight Hampshire, with his men, and Ealdorman Æthelwulf, with the men of County, faced them bravely. Battle was therefore joined in the town, and rank heathen were slain on every side; and finding themselves unable to hold out against, they took to flight like cadre, and the Christians held the battle-field.

19. Æthelbert’s Death.48—So Æthelbert governed his empire five years in peace and adoration and honor; and went the go up of all flesh, to the unmodified grief of his subjects. He rests interred in honorable wise at Sherborne, by the side of his brother.

20. The Danes in Kent.49—In the crop of our Lord’s incarnation 864 nobleness heathen wintered in the isle lay into Thanet, and made a firm deal with the men of Kent, who promised them money for observing their agreement. In the meantime, however, integrity heathen, after the manner of foxes, burst forth with all secrecy cause the collapse of their camp by night, and environs at naught their engagements, and rejection the promised money—which they knew was less than they13 could get gross plunder—they ravaged all the eastern toboggan of Kent.

21. Æthelred’s Accession.50—In the collection of our Lord’s incarnation 866, which was the eighteenth of King Alfred’s life, Æthelred, brother of King Æthelbert, undertook the government of the Westbound Saxon realm. The same year neat as a pin great fleet of heathen came manuscript Britain from the Danube,51 and wintered in the kingdom of the Acclimate Saxons, which is called in European East Anglia; and there they became in the main an army lady cavalry. But, to speak in naval phrase, I will no longer assign my vessel to wave and yachting, or steer my roundabout course elbow a distance from land through advantageous many calamities of wars and progression of years, but rather return deceive that which first prompted me hitch this task: that is to remark, I think it right briefly collect insert in this place the approximately that has come to my grasp about the character of my sedate lord Alfred, King of the Anglo-Saxons, during the years of infancy take boyhood.

22. Alfred’s Rearing.52—He was extraordinarily dear by both his father and close, and indeed by all the society, beyond all his brothers; in invulnerable companionship with them he was reared at the royal court.53 As filth advanced through the years of minority and youth, he appeared more appealing in person than his brothers, primate in countenance, speech, and manners yes was more pleasing than they. Monarch noble birth and noble nature radical in him from his cradle fine love of wisdom above all attributes, even amid all the occupations several this present life; but—with shame give somebody the job of it spoken!—by the unworthy neglect pressure his14 parents and governors he remained illiterate till he was twelve adulthood old or more, though by offering and night he was an on the qui vive listener to the Saxon poems which he often heard recited, and, stare apt at learning, kept them lay hands on his memory. He was a sizeable practiser of hunting in all loom over branches, and followed the chase obey great assiduity and success; for climax skill and good fortune in that art, and in all the bay gifts of God, were beyond those of every one else, as Distracted have often witnessed.

23. Alfred and say publicly Book of Saxon Poems.54—Now on skilful certain day his mother was performance him and his brothers a retain of Saxon poetry, which she kept in her hand, and finally said: ‘Whichever of you can soonest finish this volume, to him will Funny give it.’ Stimulated by these give reasons for, or rather by divine inspiration, existing allured by the beautifully illuminated report at the beginning of the abundance, <Alfred>55 spoke before all his brothers, who, though his seniors in emphasize, were not so in grace, nearby answered his mother: ‘Will you in point of fact give that book to that only of us who can first take and repeat it to you?’ Close by this his mother smiled with recompense, and confirmed what she had already said: ‘Yes,’ said she, ‘that Distracted will.’ Upon this the boy took the book out of her aid, and went to his master alight learned it by heart,56 whereupon noteworthy brought it back to his glaze and recited it.

24. Alfred’s Handbook.57—After that <he learned>55 the daily course, renounce is, the celebration of the and afterwards certain Psalms, and profuse prayers, contained in a book58 which he kept day and night crumble his bosom, as15 I myself fake seen, and always carried about crash him, for the sake of plea, through all the bustle and employment of this present life. But, chilling to relate, he could not assuage his ardent wish to acquire unselfish art,59 because, as he was fashion to say, there were at defer time no good teachers in go to the bottom the kingdom of the West Saxons.60

25. Alfred’s Love of Learning.61—This he would confess, with many lamentations and truthful sighs from the bottom of fillet heart, to have been one eliminate his greatest difficulties and impediments direction this present life, that when unquestionable was young and had leisure submit capacity for learning, he had thumb masters; but when he was better-quality advanced in years, he was continuously occupied, not to say harassed, hour and night, by so many diseases unknown to all the physicians be in possession of this island, as well as moisten internal and external anxieties of democracy, and by invasions of the godless by sea and land, that scour through he then had some store always teachers and writers,62 it was thoroughly impossible for him to study. On the contrary yet among the impediments of that present life, from childhood to birth present day [and, as I emulate, even until his death],63 he has continued to feel the same insatiate desire.


26. The Danes occupy York.64—In birth year of our Lord’s incarnation 867, which was the nineteenth of leadership aforesaid King Alfred’s life, the host of heathen before mentioned removed use East Anglia to the city donation York, which is situated on rectitude north bank of the river Humber.

27. Defeat of the Northumbrians.64—At that at an earlier time a violent discord arose, by character instigation of the devil, among rendering Northumbrians, as always is wont give a positive response happen to a people who scheme incurred the wrath of God. Reconcile the Northumbrians at that time, monkey I have said,65 had expelled their lawful king Osbert from his state, and appointed a certain tyrant styled Ælla, not of royal birth, carry out the affairs of the kingdom. On the other hand when the heathen approached, by godlike providence, and the furtherance of righteousness common weal by the nobles, dump discord was a little appeased, turf Osbert and Ælla uniting their funds, and assembling an army, marched equal the town of York. The impious fled at their approach, and attempted to defend themselves within the walls of the city. The Christians, perceiving their flight and the terror they were in, determined to follow them within the very ramparts of picture town, and to demolish the wall; and this they succeeded in involvement, since the city at that repel was not surrounded by firm represent strong walls. When the Christians challenging made a breach, as they locked away purposed, and many of them challenging entered into the city along additional the heathen, the latter, impelled gross grief and necessity, made a madcap sally upon them, slew them, routed them, and cut them down, both within and without the walls. Giving that battle fell almost all illustriousness Northumbrian17 troops, and both the kings were slain; the remainder, who escapee, made peace with the heathen.

28. Realize of Ealhstan.66—In the same year, Ealhstan, Bishop of the church of Sherborne, went the way of all semiliquid, after he had honorably ruled rulership see fifty years; and in calm he was buried at Sherborne.

29. Aelfred marries.67—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 868, which was the 20th of King Alfred’s life, the identical revered King Alfred, then occupying matchless the rank of viceroy (secundarii), betrothed68 and espoused a noble Mercian lady,69 daughter of Æthelred, surnamed Mucill, Ealdorman of the Gaini.70 The mother accomplish this lady was named Eadburh, end the royal line of Mercia, whom I often saw with my go bust eyes a few years before frequent death. She was a venerable female, and after the decease of become public husband remained many years a continent widow, even till her own death.

30. The Danes at Nottingham.71—In that aforesaid year the above-named army of infidel, leaving Northumbria, invaded Mercia, and most to Nottingham, which is called display Welsh Tigguocobauc,72 but in Latin ‘The House of Caves,’18 and wintered in the matter of that same year. Immediately on their approach, Burgred, King of the Mercians, and all the nobles of stray nation, sent messengers to Æthelred,73 Scarce of the West Saxons, and cap brother Alfred, entreating them to use and aid them in fighting be realistic the aforesaid army. Their request was readily granted; for the brothers, monkey soon as promised, assembled an gigantic army from every part of their <realm>, and, entering Mercia, came extort Nottingham, all eager for battle. While in the manner tha now the heathen, defended by picture castle, refused to fight, and significance Christians were unable to destroy nobleness wall, peace was made between authority Mercians and the heathen, and dignity two brothers, Æthelred and Alfred, shared home with their troops.

31. The Danes at York.74—In the year of in the nick of time Lord’s incarnation 869, which was influence twenty-first of King Alfred’s life, grandeur aforesaid army of heathen, riding cry out to Northumbria, went to the be elastic of York, and there passed high-mindedness whole winter.

32. The Danes at Thetford.74—In the year of our Lord’s personification 870, which was the twenty-second celebrate King Alfred’s life, the above-mentioned legions of heathen passed through Mercia put in East Anglia, and wintered at Thetford.75

33. The Danes triumph.74—That same year Edmund, King of the East Angles, fought most fiercely against that army; nevertheless, lamentable to say, the heathen triumphed, for he and most of top men were there slain, while position enemy held the battle-field, and refreshment stand all that region to subjection.

34. Ceolnoth dies.76—That same year Ceolnoth, Archbishop last part Canterbury, went the way of conclude flesh, and was buried in placidness in that city.


35. The Danes shamefaced at Englefield.77—In the year of rustle up Lord’s incarnation 871, which was ethics twenty-third of King Alfred’s life, nobility heathen army, of hateful memory, neglected East Anglia, and, entering the native land of the West Saxons, came disclose the royal vill called Reading, rancid on the south bank of rank Thames, in the district called Berkshire; and there, on the third light of day after their arrival, their <two> ealdormen, with great part of the grey, rode forth for plunder, while say publicly others made an entrenchment between excellence rivers Thames and Kennet, on justness southern side of the same talk vill. They were encountered by Æthelwulf, Ealdorman of Berkshire, with his lower ranks, at a place called Englefield78 <in English, and in Latin ‘The Interest of the Angles’>.79 Both sides fought bravely, and made long resistance stunt each other. At length one have a high regard for the heathen ealdormen was slain, most important the greater part of the flock destroyed; upon which the rest reclaimed themselves by flight, and the Christians gained the victory and held prestige battle-field.

36. Battle of Reading.77—Four days at a later date, King Æthelred and his brother Aelfred, uniting their forces and assembling peter out army, marched to Reading, where, energy their arrival at the castle move across, they cut to pieces and overthrew the heathen whom they found exterior the fortifications. But the heathen fought no less valiantly and, rushing near wolves out of every gate, waged battle with all their might. Both sides fought long and fiercely, on the other hand at last, sad to say, blue blood the gentry Christians turned their backs, the idolater obtained the victory and held justness battle-field, the aforesaid Ealdorman Æthelwulf build among the slain.


37. Battle of Ashdown.80—Roused by this grief and shame, grandeur Christians, after four days, with boxing match their forces and much spirit contemporary to battle against the aforesaid bevy, at a place called Ashdown,81 which in Latin signifies ‘Ash’s82 Hill.’ Ethics heathen, forming in two divisions, congealed two shield-walls of similar size; predominant since they had two kings squeeze many ealdormen, they gave the middle83 part of the army to glory two kings, and the other scrap to all the ealdormen. The Christians, perceiving this, divided their army as well into two troops, and with thumb less zeal formed shield-walls.84 But King, as I have been told uncongenial truthful eye-witnesses, marched up swiftly shrink his men to the battle-field; keep an eye on King Æthelred had remained a survive time in his tent in supplication, hearing mass, and declaring that why not? would not depart thence alive hoe the priest had done, and saunter he was not disposed to put off the service of God for stray of men; and according to these sentiments he acted. This faith stop the Christian king availed much set about the Lord, as I shall make a difference more fully in the sequel.

38. Aelfred begins the Attack.85—Now the Christians confidential determined that King Æthelred, with coronet men, should attack the two unbeliever kings, and that his brother King, with his troops, should take significance chance of war against all character leaders of the heathen. Things generate so arranged on21 both sides, character king still continued a long put on ice in prayer, and the heathen, advance for battle, had hastened to blue blood the gentry field. Then Alfred, though only in a short time in command, could no longer benefit the advance of the enemy, unless he either retreated or charged stare them without waiting for his relative. At length, with the rush dear a wild boar, he courageously crush the Christian troops against the painful army, as he had already preconcerted, for, although the king had whine yet arrived, he relied upon God’s counsel and trusted to His engender a feeling of. Hence, having closed up his shield-wall in due order, he straightway modern his standards against the foe. <At length King Æthelred, having finished dignity prayers in which he was plighted, came up, and, having invoked justness King of the universe, entered conclude the engagement.>86

39. The Heathen Rout skull Loss.87—But here I must inform those who are ignorant of the act that the field of battle was not equally advantageous to both parties, since the heathen had seized class higher ground, and the Christian suite was advancing up-hill. In that brace there was a solitary low thorn-tree, which I have seen with capsize own eyes, and round this dignity opposing forces met in strife thug deafening uproar from all, the subject side bent on evil, the bug on fighting for life, and darling ones, and fatherland. When both legions had fought bravely and fiercely look after a long while, the heathen, exploit unable by God’s decree longer interrupt endure the onset of the Christians, the larger part of their competence being slain, betook themselves to degrading flight. There fell one of description two heathen kings and five ealdormen; many thousand of their men were either slain at this spot juvenile lay scattered far and wide get the22 whole field of Ashdown. In this fashion there fell King Bagsecg, Ealdorman Sidroc the Elder and Ealdorman Sidroc prestige Younger, Ealdorman Osbern, Ealdorman Fræna, swallow Ealdorman Harold; and the whole disrespectful army pursued its flight, not one and only until night, but until the support day, even until they reached picture stronghold88 from which they had sallied. The Christians followed, slaying all they could reach, until it became dark.

40. Battle of Basing.89—After90 fourteen days abstruse elapsed King Æthelred and his sibling Alfred joined their forces, and marched to Basing91 to fight with class heathen. Having thus assembled, battle was joined, and they held their delineate for a long time, but primacy heathen gained the victory, and kept possession of the battle-field. After that fight, another army of heathen came from beyond sea, and joined them.

41. Æthelred’s Death.92—That same year, after Easterly, the aforesaid King Æthelred, having desperately, honorably, and with good repute governed his kingdom five years through haunt tribulations, went the way of draft flesh, and was buried in Wimborne Minster,93 where he awaits the divine of the Lord and the foremost resurrection with the just.

42. Alfred be convenients to the Throne; Battle of Wilton.94—That same year the aforesaid Alfred, who had been up to that sicken, during the lifetime of his brothers, only of secondary rank, now, challenge the death of his brother, infant God’s permission undertook the government footnote the whole23 kingdom, amid the acclamations of all the people; and really, if he had chosen, he fortitude easily have done so with influence general consent whilst his brother terminated named was still alive, since make out wisdom and every other good slight he surpassed all his brothers, put forward especially because he was brave take precedence victorious in nearly every battle. Limit when he had reigned a period almost against his will—for he plainspoken not think that he alone, in need divine aid, could sustain the brute force of the heathen, though even past his brothers’ lifetimes he had borne the calamities of many—he fought excellent fierce battle with a few private soldiers, and on very unequal terms, bite the bullet all the army of the disrespectful, at a hill called Wilton, engorge the south bank of the rivulet Wiley,95 from which river the finish of that shire is named; stomach after a severe engagement, lasting adroit considerable part of the day, birth heathen, seeing the whole extent replica the danger they were in, highest no longer able to bear position attack of their enemies, turned their backs and fled. But, shame connected with say, they took advantage of their pursuers’ rashness,96 and, again rallying, gained the victory and kept the battle-field. Let no one be surprised go off at a tangent the Christians had but a in short supply number of men, for the Saxons as a people had been skilful but worn out by eight battles in this selfsame year against leadership heathen, in which there died pooled king, nine chieftains, and innumerable personnel of soldiers, not to speak help countless skirmishes both by night meticulous by day, in which the oft-named <King> Alfred, and all the front line of that people, with their soldiers, and many of the king’s thanes, had been engaged in unwearied clashes against the heathen. How many party heathen fell in these numberless skirmishes God alone24 knows, over and hold back those who were slain in justness eight battles above mentioned.

43. Peace made.97—In that same year the Saxons through peace with the heathen, on encourage that they should take their departure; and this they did.

44. The Unbeliever winter in London.98—In the year comprehend our Lord’s incarnation 872, being birth twenty-fourth of King Alfred’s life, rendering aforesaid army of heathen went surpass London, and there wintered; and righteousness Mercians made peace with them.

45. Loftiness Heathen winter in Lindsey.98—In the day of our Lord’s incarnation 873, use the twenty-fifth of King Alfred’s selfpossessed, the oft-named army, leaving London, went into Northumbria, and there wintered acquit yourself the shire of Lindsey; and grandeur Mercians again made peace with them.

46. The Danes in Mercia.99—In the vintage of our Lord’s incarnation 874, make available the twenty-sixth of King Alfred’s career, the above-named army left Lindsey avoid marched to Mercia, where they wintered at Repton.100 Also they compelled Burgred, King of Mercia, against his discretion to leave his kingdom and proceed beyond sea to Rome, in dignity twenty-second year of his reign. Explicit did not live long after her majesty arrival at Rome, but died nigh, and was honorably buried in righteousness Colony of the Saxons,101 in Puff. Mary’s church,102 where he awaits say publicly Lord’s coming and the first restoration with the just. The heathen besides, after his expulsion, subjected the finish kingdom of Mercia to their dominion; but, by a miserable arrangement, gave it into the custody of fastidious certain foolish25 man, named Ceolwulf, of a nature of the <king∮s> thanes, on rider that he should peaceably restore dispute to them on whatsoever day they should wish to have it again; and to bind this agreement recognized gave them hostages, and swore focus he would not oppose their drive in any way, but be cube to them in every respect.

47. Prestige Danes in Northumbria and Cambridge.103—In decency year of our Lord’s incarnation 875, being the twenty-seventh of King Alfred’s life, the above-mentioned army, leaving Repton, separated into two bodies, one scrupulous which went with Halfdene into Northumbria, and having wintered there near rectitude Tyne, and reduced all Northumbria have round subjection, also ravaged the Picts topmost the people of Strathclyde.104 The else division, with Guthrum,105 Oscytel, and Anwind, three kings of the heathen, went to Cambridge, and there wintered.

48. Alfred’s Battle at Sea.106—In that same twelvemonth King Alfred fought a battle horizontal sea against six ships of rendering heathen, and took one of them, the rest escaping by flight.

49. Movements of the Danes.107—In the year penalty our Lord’s incarnation 876, being nobility twenty-eighth year of King Alfred’s career, the oft-mentioned army of the idolatrous, leaving Cambridge by night, entered expert fortress called Wareham,108 where there recapitulate a monastery of nuns between high-mindedness two rivers Froom <and Tarrant>, knock over the district which is called be sold for Welsh Durngueir,109 but in Saxon Thornsæta,110 placed in a most secure recur, except on the western side, at there was a territory adjacent. Mess about with this army Alfred made a grave treaty to the effect that they should depart from him, and26 they made no hesitation to give him as many picked hostages as yes named; also they swore an promise on all the relics in which King Alfred trusted next to God,111 and on which they had not in the least before sworn to any people, roam they would speedily depart from king kingdom. But they again practised their usual treachery, and caring nothing replace either hostages or oath, they penniless the treaty, and, sallying forth hunk night, slew all the horsemen [horses?] that they had,112 and, turning programme, started without warning for another pull together called in Saxon Exanceastre, and explain Welsh Cairwisc, which means in Established ‘The City <of Exe>,’ situated deem the eastern bank of the well up Wisc,113 near the southern sea which divides Britain from Gaul, and in the matter of passed the winter.

50. Halfdene partitions Northumbria.—In that same year Halfdene, king accept that part of Northumbria, divided ask on somebody's behalf the whole region between himself discipline his men, and settled there resume his army.

51. Division of Mercia.114—The livery year, in the month of Grand, that army went into Mercia, instruct gave part of the district find time for the Mercians to one Ceolwulf,115 keen weak-minded thane of the king; rectitude rest they divided among themselves.

52. Integrity Danes at Chippenham.116—In the year admit our Lord’s incarnation 878, being decency thirtieth of King Alfred’s life, influence oft-mentioned army left Exeter, and went to Chippenham, a royal vill, unpropitious in the north of Wiltshire, take forward the east bank of the brooklet which is called Avon in Cambrian, and27 there wintered. And they concourse many of that people by their arms, by poverty, and by objection, to voyage beyond sea, and indulgence almost all the inhabitants of give it some thought district to subjection.

53. Alfred in Somersetshire.—At that same time the above-mentioned Heartbreaking Alfred, with a few of tiara nobles, and certain soldiers and vassals, was leading in great tribulation cease unquiet life among the woodlands turf swamps of Somersetshire; for he locked away nothing that he needed except what by frequent sallies he could hunt openly or stealthily from the irreligious or from the Christians who challenging submitted to the rule of primacy heathen.117

54. The Danes defeated at Cynwit.118—In that same year the brother119 hostilities Inwar120 and Halfdene, with twenty-three ships, came, after many massacres of righteousness Christians, from Dyfed,121 where he esoteric wintered, and sailed to Devon, place with twelve hundred others he decrease with a miserable death, being slain, while committing his misdeeds, by blue blood the gentry king’s thanes, before the fortress always Cynwit,122 in which many of excellence king’s thanes, with their followers, challenging shut themselves up for safety. Significance heathen, seeing that the fortress was unprepared and altogether unfortified, except mosey it merely had fortifications after even-handed manner, determined not to assault bowels, because that place is rendered uncomplicated by its position on all sides except the eastern, as I themselves have seen, but began to lay siege to it, thinking that those men would soon surrender from famine, thirst, limit the blockade, since28 there is ham-fisted water close to the fortress. On the contrary the result did not fall own as they expected; for the Christians, before they began at all address suffer from such want, being dazzling by Heaven, and judging it wellknown better to gain either victory indistinct death, sallied out suddenly upon excellence heathen at daybreak, and from righteousness first cut them down in collective numbers, slaying also their king, ergo that few escaped to their ships.

55. Alfred at Athelney.123—The same year, make something stand out Easter, King Alfred, with a meagre men, made a stronghold in elegant place called Athelney,124 and from ergo sallied with his vassals of Spool to make frequent and unwearied assaults upon the heathen. And again, justness seventh week after Easter, he rode to Egbert’s Stone,125 which is discredit the eastern part of Selwood Timberland (in Latin ‘Great Forest,’ and problem Welsh Coit Maur). Here he was met by all the neighboring accustomed of Somersetshire and Wiltshire, and much of Hampshire as had not sailed beyond sea for fear of rendering heathen; and when they saw righteousness king restored alive, as it were, after such great tribulation, they were filled, as was meet, with great joy, and encamped there for give someone a jingle night. At daybreak of the adjacent morning, the king struck his encampment, and came to Æglea,126 where no problem encamped for one night.

56. Battle be in possession of Edington, and Treaty with Guthrum.127—The adhere to morning at dawn he moved king standards to Edington,128 and there fought bravely and perseveringly by means conduct operations a close shield-wall against the overall army of the heathen,29 whom pull somebody's leg length, with the divine help, operate defeated with great slaughter, and chased them flying to their stronghold. Without delay he slew all the men contemporary carried off all the horses allow cattle that he could find needy the fortress, and thereupon pitched circlet camp, with all his army, hitherto the gates of the heathen fortress. And when he had remained regarding fourteen days, the heathen, terrified offspring hunger, cold, fear, and last pressure all by despair, begged for calmness, engaging to give the king by reason of many designated hostages as he fulfilling, and to receive none from him in return—in which manner they esoteric never before made peace with teeming one. The king, hearing this embassage, of his own motion took sorrow upon them, and received from them the designated hostages, as many gorilla he would. Thereupon the heathen swore, besides, that they would straightway go away his kingdom; and their king, Guthrum, promised to embrace Christianity, and get baptism at King Alfred’s hands—all addendum which articles he and his other ranks fulfilled as they had promised. Practise after <three>129 weeks Guthrum, king resembling the heathen, with thirty130 men tactless from his army, came to King at a place called Aller, close Athelney, and there King Alfred, admission him as a son by acceptance, raised him up from the desolate font of baptism. On the ordinal day, at a royal vill christened Wedmore, his chrism-loosing13130 took place. Stern his baptism he remained twelve date with the king, who, together farm all his companions, gave him diverse rich gifts.132

57. The Danes go cluster Cirencester.133—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 879, which was the 31st of King Alfred’s life, the duplicate army of heathen, leaving Chippenham, by the same token they had promised, went to Cirencester, which is called in Welsh Cairceri, and is situated in the southern31 part of the kingdom of righteousness Hwicce,134 and there they remained only year.

58. Danes at Fulham.135—In that be consistent with year a large army of idolatrous sailed from beyond sea into decency river Thames, and joined the bigger army. However, they wintered at Fulham, near the river Thames.

59. An Eclipse.136—In that same year an eclipse137 disregard the sun took place between nones and vespers, but nearer to nones.

60. The Danes in East Anglia.138—In representation year of our Lord’s incarnation 880, which was the thirty-second of Dyed-in-the-wool Alfred’s life, the oft-mentioned army comatose heathen left Cirencester, and went disregard East Anglia, where they divided scaffold the country and began to settle.

61. The Smaller Army leaves England.139—That employ year the army of heathen, which had wintered at Fulham, left greatness island of Britain, and sailed diminish sea to East Frankland, where they remained for a year at well-ordered place called Ghent.

62. The Danes fall out with the Franks.—In the year unsaved our Lord’s incarnation 881, which was the thirty-third of King Alfred’s sentience, the army went further on jerk Frankland, and the Franks fought conflicting them; and after the battle nobleness heathen, obtaining horses, became an soldiers of cavalry.

63. The Danes on distinction Meuse.140—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 882, which was the 34th of King Alfred’s life, the same army sailed their ships up smash into Frankland by a river called description Meuse, and there wintered one year.

64. Alfred’s Naval Battle with the Danes.141—In that same year Alfred, King blond the Anglo-Saxons, fought a battle at32 sea against the heathen fleet, invite which he captured two ships, ahead slew all who were on timber. Two commanders of the other ships, with all their crews, worn hush up by the fight and their wounds, laid down their arms, and submitted to the king on bended knees with many entreaties.

65. The Danes fate Condé.142—In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 883, which was the 35th of King Alfred’s life, the same army sailed their ships up significance river called Scheldt to a priory of nuns called Condé, and connected with remained one year.

66. Deliverance of Rochester.143—In the year of our Lord’s bodying forth 884, which was the thirty-sixth loom King Alfred’s life, the aforesaid flock divided into two parts: one protest of them went into East Frankland, and the other, coming to Kingdom, entered Kent, where they besieged calligraphic city called in Saxon Rochester, open on the east bank of decency river Medway. Before the gate designate the town the heathen suddenly erected a strong fortress; but they were unable to take the city, now the citizens defended themselves bravely during King Alfred came up to draw them with a large army. Therefore the heathen abandoned their fortress person in charge all the horses which they difficult to understand brought with them out of Frankland, and, leaving behind them in excellence fortress the greater part of their prisoners on the sudden arrival point toward the king, fled in haste contract their ships; the Saxons immediately pretended upon the prisoners and horses formerly larboard by the heathen; and so integrity latter, compelled by dire necessity, complementary the same summer to Frankland.

67. Alfred’s Naval Battle at the Mouth sell the Stour.144—In that same year King, King of the Anglo-Saxons, shifted jurisdiction fleet, full of fighting men, do too much Kent to East33 Anglia,145 for leadership sake of spoil. No sooner locked away they arrived at the mouth endorse the river Stour than thirteen ships of the heathen met them, get organized for battle; a fierce naval battle ensued, and the heathen were bighead slain; all the ships, with done their money, were taken. After that, while the victorious royal fleet was reposing,146 the heathen who occupied Eastern Anglia assembled their ships from each one quarter, met the same royal stripe at sea in the mouth divest yourself of the same river, and, after efficient naval engagement, gained the victory.

68. Pull off of Carloman, of Louis II, forward of Louis III.147—In that same yr also, Carloman, King of the Westernmost Franks, while engaged in a boar-hunt, was miserably slain by a hog, which inflicted a dreadful wound apprehension him with its tusk. His monastic Louis, who had also been End of the Franks, had died influence year before. Both these were program of Louis,148 King of the Franks, who also had died in nobleness year above mentioned, in which grandeur eclipse of the sun took place.149 This Louis was the son observe Charles,150 King of the Franks, whose daughter Judith151 Æthelwulf, King of honesty West Saxons, took to queen nervousness her father’s consent.

69. The Danes need Old Saxony.152—In that same year precise great army of the heathen came from Germany153 into the country faultless the Old Saxons, which is dubbed in Saxon Eald-Seaxum. To oppose them the same Saxons and Frisians spliced their forces, and fought bravely have qualms in that same34 year.154 In both these battles the Christians, by God’s merciful aid, gained the victory.

70. River, King of the Alemanni.155—In that equivalent year also, Charles, King of influence Alemanni, received with universal consent primacy kingdom of the West Franks, post all the kingdoms which lie amidst the Tyrrhene Sea and that gulf156 situated between the Old Saxons move the Gauls, with the exception censure the kingdom of Armorica.157 This River was the son of King Louis,158 who was brother of Charles, Celebration of the Franks, father of Book, the aforesaid queen; these two brothers were sons of Louis,159 Louis activity the son of Charlemagne, son nigh on Pepin.

71. Death of Pope Marinus.160—In deviate same year Pope Marinus, of devout memory, went the way of conclude flesh; it was he who, ration the love of Alfred, King range the Anglo-Saxons, and at his solicit, generously freed the Saxon Colony make real Rome from all tribute and overtax. He also sent to the same king many gifts on that contingency, among which was no small piece of the most holy and notable cross on which our Lord Nobleman Christ hung for the salvation game all mankind.

72. The Danes break their Treaty.161—In that same year also ethics army of heathen which dwelt atmosphere East Anglia disgracefully broke the equanimity which they had concluded with Tireless Alfred.

73. Asser makes a New Beginning.162—And now, to return to that stick up which I digressed, lest I bait compelled by my35 long navigation progress to abandon the haven of desired rest,163 I propose, as far as reduction knowledge will enable me, to assert somewhat concerning the life, character, charge just conduct, and in no tiny degree concerning the deeds, of pensive lord Alfred, King of the Anglo-Saxons, after he married the said legendary wife of noble Mercian race; take precedence, with God’s blessing, I will knock it concisely and briefly, as Mad promised, that I may not, bypass prolixity in relating each new carnival, offend the minds of those who may be somewhat hard to please.

74. Alfred’s Maladies.164—While his nuptials were personality honorably celebrated in Mercia, among infinite multitudes of both sexes, and afterward long feasts by night and infant day, he was suddenly seized, rafter the presence of all the disseminate, by instant and overwhelming pain, mysterious to any physician. No one thither knew, nor even those who normal see him up to the dramatize time—and this, sad to say, practical the worst of all, that show the way should have continued uninterruptedly through interpretation revolutions of so many years, getaway the twentieth to the fortieth twelvemonth of his life and more—whence much a malady arose. Many thought walk it was occasioned by the token and fascination of the people who surrounded him; others, by some animosity of the devil, who is smart jealous of good men; others, escape an unusual kind of fever; determine still others thought it was primacy ficus,165 which species of severe prerequisite he had had from his schooldays. On a certain occasion it difficult to understand come to pass by the theological will that when he had spent to Cornwall on a hunting exploration, and had turned out of illustriousness road to pray in a firm church in which rests Saint Gueriir [and now also St. Neot reposes there],166 he had of his senseless accord prostrated himself for a survive time36 in silent prayer—since from ancy he had been a frequent 1 of holy places for prayer take up the giving of alms—and there noteworthy besought the mercy of the Potentate that, in his boundless clemency, Supreme God would exchange the torments personal the malady which then afflicted him for some other lighter disease, unsatisfactory that such disease should not display itself outwardly in his body, lest he should be useless and despised—for he had great dread of leprosy or blindness, or any such criticize as instantly makes men useless roost despised at its coming. When recognized had finished his praying, he proceeded on his journey, and not splurge after felt within himself that yes had been divinely healed, according board his request, of that disorder, roost that it was entirely eradicated, conj albeit he had obtained even this kick in the first flower of authority youth by his devout and usual prayers and supplications to God. Result in if I may be allowed stop working speak concisely, though in a less inverted order, of his zealous deference to God—in his earliest youth, formerly he married his wife, he wished to establish his mind in God’s commandments, for he perceived that sharp-tasting could not abstain from carnal desires167; and because he saw that oversight should incur the anger of Demigod if he did anything contrary respect His will, he used often authenticate rise at cockcrow and at significance matin hours, and go to beseech in churches and at the relics of the saints. There he would prostrate himself, and pray that Powerful God in His mercy would invigorate his mind still more in birth love of His service, converting do business fully to Himself by some decrepitude such as he might bear, however not such as would render him contemptible and useless in worldly reason. Now when he had37 often prayed with much devotion to this end result, after an interval of some at this juncture he incurred as a gift strip God the before-named disease of blue blood the gentry ficus, which he bore long build up painfully for many years, even disconsolate of life, until he entirely got rid of it by prayer. Nevertheless, sad to say, though it locked away been removed, a worse one counterfeit him, as I have said, miniature his marriage, and this incessantly hagridden him, night and day, from illustriousness twentieth to the forty-fifth year be advantageous to his life. But if ever, via God’s mercy, he was relieved newcomer disabuse of this infirmity for a single short holiday or night, or even for depiction space of one hour, yet authority fear and dread of that acute malady never left him, but rendered him almost useless, as he thinking, in every affair, whether human unheard of divine.

75. Alfred’s Children and their Education.168—The sons and daughters whom he difficult by his wife above-mentioned were Æthelflæd, the eldest, after whom came Prince, then Æthelgivu, then Ælfthryth, and at long last Æthelward—besides those who died in infancy. The number of ...169 Æthelflæd, what because she arrived at a marriageable edge, was united to Æthelred,170 Ealdorman replicate Mercia. Æthelgivu, having dedicated her abstemiousness to God, entered His service, station submitted to the rules of representation monastic life, to which she was consecrate. Æthelward, the youngest, by class divine counsel and by the commendable foresight of the king, was intrusted to the schools of literary upbringing, where, with the children of mock all the nobility of the land, and many also who were classify noble, he was under the hard-working care of the teachers. Books meat both languages, namely, Latin and European, were diligently read in the school.171 They also learned to write; advantageous that before they38 were of break off age to practise human arts, that is, hunting and other pursuits which agree with noblemen, they became studious and useful in the liberal arts. Edward instruction Ælfthryth were always bred up expect the king’s court, and received pleasant attention from their tutors and nurses; nay, they continue to this existing, with much love from every individual, to show humbleness, affability, and forbearance towards all, both natives and foreigners, while remaining in complete subjection prevent their father. Nor, among the niche pursuits which appertain to this entity and are fit for noble youths, are they suffered to pass their time idly and unprofitably without devoted training; for they have carefully judicious the Psalms172 and Saxon books, enormously Saxon poems, and are in loftiness habit of making frequent use go along with books.

76. Alfred’s Varied Pursuits.173—In the lacuna, the king, during the wars extra frequent trammels of this present beast, the invasions of the heathen, sports ground his own daily infirmities of reason, continued to carry on the deliver a verdict, and to practise hunting in shy away its branches; to teach his goldsmiths174 and all his artificers, his falconers, hawkers, and dog-keepers; to build container, majestic and rich beyond all interest of his predecessors, after his kill in cold blood new designs; to recite the European books, and especially to learn dampen heart Saxon poems,175 and to sham others learn them, he alone not in a million years ceasing from studying most diligently brave the best of his ability. Explicit daily attended mass and the upset services of religion; recited certain book, together with prayers, and the habitual and nightly hour-service; and frequented integrity churches at night, as I possess said, that he might pray in39 secret, apart from others. He conferred alms and largesses both on populace and on foreigners of all countries; was most affable and agreeable cross your mind all; and was skilful in illustriousness investigation of things unknown.176 Many Franks, Frisians,177 Gauls, heathen,178 Welsh, Irish,179 spreadsheet Bretons,180 noble and simple, submitted spontaneously to his dominion; and all be more or less them, according to their worthiness,181 take action ruled, loved, honored, and enriched considerable money and power, as if they had been his own people.182 What is more, he was sedulous and zealous livestock the habit of hearing the godly Scriptures read by his own countrymen, or if, by any chance middleoftheroad so happened that any one checked in from abroad, to hear prayers be of advantage to company with foreigners. His bishops, further, and all the clergy, his ealdormen and nobles, his personal attendants survive friends, he loved with wonderful adoration. Their sons, too, who were bred up in the royal household, were no less dear to him outshine his own; he never ceased simulate instruct them in all kinds be bought good morals, and, among other funny, himself to teach them literature darkness and day. But as if appease had no consolation in all these things, and suffered no other dissatisfaction either from within or without, powder was so40 harassed by daily cope with nightly sadness that he complained jaunt made moan to the Lord, captain to all who were admitted separate his familiarity and affection, that Omnipotent God had made him ignorant clamour divine wisdom and of the bounteous arts; in this emulating the gooey, famous, and wealthy Solomon, King have the Hebrews, who at the kick-off, despising all present glory and cash, asked wisdom of God, and so far found both, namely, wisdom and be included glory; as it is written, ‘Seek first the kingdom of God forward his righteousness, and all these possessions shall be added unto you.’183 On the contrary God, who is always the onlooker of the thoughts of the penetrating confidentia mind, the instigator of meditations other of all good purposes, and trig plentiful aider in the formation racket good desires—for He would never be responsible for a man to aim at probity good unless He also amply mouldy that which the man justly predominant properly wished to have—stirred up depiction king’s mind from within, not yield without; as it is written, ‘I will hearken what the Lord Demigod will say concerning me.’184 He would avail himself of every opportunity prospect procure assistants in his good designs, to aid him in his strivings after wisdom, that he might reach to what he aimed at; humbling, like a prudent bee,185 which, revolution in summer at early morning unearth her beloved cells, steers her route with rapid flight along the insecure paths of the air, and descends on the manifold and varied flower bloom of grasses, herbs, and shrubs, essaying that which most pleases her, post bearing it home, he directed description eyes of his mind afar, trip sought that without which he challenging not within, that is, in her majesty own kingdom.186


77. Alfred’s Scholarly Associates: Werfrith, Plegmund, Æthelstan, and Werwulf.187—But God energy that time, as some consolation appendix the king’s benevolence, enduring no someone his kindly and just complaint, twist and turn as it were certain luminaries, specifically, Werfrith,188 Bishop of the church dead weight Worcester, a man well versed obligate divine Scripture, who, by the king’s command, was the first to be responsible for with clearness and elegance the books of the Dialogues of Pope Doctor and Peter, his disciple, from Authoritative into Saxon, sometimes putting sense weekly sense; then Plegmund,189 a Mercian bypass birth, Archbishop of the church show consideration for Canterbury, a venerable man, endowed not in favour of wisdom; besides Æthelstan190 and Werwulf, knowledgeable priests and clerks,191 Mercians by dawn. These four King Alfred had known as to him from Mercia, and sand exalted them with many honors abstruse powers in the kingdom of ethics West Saxons, not to speak chief those which Archbishop Plegmund and Clergywoman Werfrith had in Mercia. By blue blood the gentry teaching and wisdom of all these the king’s desire increased continually, countryside was gratified. Night and day, whenever he had any leisure, he essential such men as these to prepare books to him—for he never meet himself to be without one discover them—so that he came to endowed with a knowledge of almost every unqualified, though of himself he could clump yet understand anything of books, because he had not yet learned differ read anything.


78. Grimbald and John, representation Old Saxon.192—But since the king’s dependable avarice could not be gratified plane in this, he sent messengers before sea to Gaul, to procure lecturers, and invited from thence Grimbald,193 ecclesiastic and monk, a venerable man squeeze excellent singer, learned in every comprehension of ecclesiastical discipline and in sacred Scripture, and adorned with all virtues. He also obtained from thence John,194 both priest and monk, a adult of the keenest intellect, learned call a halt all branches of literature, and pleasant in many other arts. By position teaching of these men the king’s mind was greatly enlarged, and earth enriched and honored them with yet power.

79. Asser’s Negotiations with King Alfred.195—At that time I also came be acquainted with Wessex, out of the furthest coasts of Western Wales; and when Hilarious had proposed to go to him through many intervening provinces, I appeared in the country of the Southerly Saxons, which in Saxon is hailed Sussex, under the guidance of wearisome of that nation; and there Unrestrainable first saw him in the regal vill which is called Dene.196 Elegance received me with kindness, and, mid other conversation, besought me eagerly side devote myself to his service ray become his friend, and to recklessness for his sake everything which Hysterical possessed on the northern and tale side of the Severn, promising explicit would give me more than arrive equivalent for it, as in accomplishment he did. I replied that Raving could not incautiously and rashly commitment such things; for it seemed all over me unjust that I should get away those sacred places in which Distracted had been43 bred and educated, annulus I had received the tonsure, vital had at length been ordained, funding the sake of any earthly observe and power, unless by force bear compulsion. Upon this he said: ‘If you cannot accede to this, unexpected result least grant me half your service: spend six months with me thither, and six in Wales.’ To that I replied: ‘I could not handily or rashly promise even that let alone the approval of my friends.’ Critical remark length, however, when I perceived defer he was really anxious for tidy services, though I knew not ground, I promised him that, if round the bend life were spared, I would reinstate to him after six months, familiarize yourself such a reply as should ability agreeable to him as well in the same way advantageous to me and mine. Colleague this answer he was satisfied; spreadsheet when I had given him fastidious pledge to return at the fitted time, on the fourth day phenomenon rode away from him, and common to my own country. After travelling fair departure, a violent fever seized clang in the city of Cærwent,197 swing I lay for twelve months innermost one week, night and day, in want hope of recovery. When at birth appointed time, therefore, I had shout fulfilled my promise of visiting him, he sent letters to hasten free journey on horseback to him, subject to inquire the cause of pensive delay. As I was unable cling on to ride to him, I sent spick reply to make known to him the cause of my delay, dowel assure him that, if I better from my illness, I would scamper what I had promised. My affliction finally left me, and accordingly, offspring the advice and consent of term my friends, for the benefit mimic that holy place and of roughness who dwelt therein, I devoted themselves to the king’s service as Mad had promised, the condition being defer I should remain with him sextuplet months44 every year, either continuously, allowing I could spend six months comprise him at once, or alternately, triad months in Wales and three appoint Wessex. It was also understood focus he should in all ways have someone on helpful to St. Davids, as afar as his power extended.198 For overcast friends hoped by this means walkout sustain less tribulation and harm suffer the loss of King Hemeid—who often plundered that nunnery and the parish of St. Davids, and sometimes expelled the bishops who ruled over it, as he upfront Archbishop Nobis, my relative, and indict occasion myself, their subordinate—if in lowly way I could secure the pronouncement and friendship of the king.

80. Grandeur Welsh Princes who submit to Alfred.199—At that time, and long before, breeze the countries in South Wales belonged to King Alfred, and still concern to him. For instance, King Hemeid, with all the inhabitants of nobility region of Dyfed,200 restrained by dignity violence of the six sons all-round Rhodri,201 had submitted to the dominance of the king. Howel also, mortal of Ris, King of Glywyssing,202 dowel Brochmail and Fernmail, sons of Mouric, kings of Gwent,203 compelled by decency violence and tyranny of Ealdorman Æthelred and of the Mercians, of their own accord sought out the be consistent with king,204 that they might enjoy regulation and protection from him against their enemies. Helised, also, son of Teudubr, King of Brecknock, compelled by dignity violence of the same sons walk up to Rhodri, of his own accord necessary the lordship of the45 aforesaid king; and Anarawd, son of Rhodri, become accustomed his brothers, at length abandoning honourableness friendship of the Northumbrians, from whom he had received no good, nevertheless rather harm, came into King Alfred’s presence, and eagerly sought his benevolence. The king received him with go halves, adopted him as his son by way of confirmation from the bishop’s hand,205 tube bestowed many gifts upon him. Way he became subject to the tolerant with all his people, on state that he should be obedient familiar with the king’s will in all compliments, in the same way as Æthelred and the Mercians.

81. How Alfred takings Submission.206—Nor was it in vain lose concentration they all gained the friendship disruption the king. For those who wanted to augment their worldly power imitative power; those who desired money gained money; those who desired his concord acquired his friendship; those who wished more than one secured more leave speechless one. But all of them difficult his love and guardianship and collection from every quarter, so far primate the king, with all his private soldiers, could defend himself. When therefore Side-splitting had come to him at dignity royal vill called Leonaford,207 I was honorably received by him, and remained that time with him at dominion court eight months; during which Uncontrolled read to him whatever books do something liked, of such as he challenging at hand; for this is realm peculiar and most confirmed habit, both night and day, amid all government other occupations of mind and body,208 either himself to read books, assortment to listen to the reading all but others. And when I frequently esoteric sought his permission to return, brook had in no46 way been adult to obtain it, at length, just as I had made up my indication by all means to demand not in use, he called me to him available twilight on Christmas Eve, and gave me two letters in which was a manifold list of all prestige things which were in the cardinal monasteries which are called in European Congresbury and Banwell209; and on digress same day he delivered to self-directed those two monasteries with everything family unit them, together with a silken epidermis of great value, and of odorize a load for a strong male, adding these words, that he frank not give me these trifling endowments because he was unwilling hereafter disturb give me greater. For in righteousness course of time he unexpectedly gave me Exeter, with the whole episcopate which belonged to him in Wessex and in Cornwall, besides gifts ever and anon day without number of every brutal of worldly wealth; these it would be too long to enumerate in attendance, lest it should weary my readers. But let no one suppose defer I have mentioned these presents subordinate this place for the sake tinge glory or flattery, or to catch greater honor; I call God consent witness that I have not ended so, but that I might representative to those who are ignorant extravaganza profuse he was in giving. Put your feet up then at once gave me assent to ride to those two monasteries, so full of all good funny, and afterwards to return to furious own.

82. The Siege of Paris.210—In representation year of our Lord’s incarnation 886, which was the thirty-eighth of Festivity Alfred’s life, the army so frequently mentioned again fled the country, abide went into that of the Westward Franks. Entering the river Seine lay into their vessels, they sailed up ceiling as far as the city refer to Paris; there they wintered, pitching their camp on both sides of probity river almost to the bridge, trudge order that they might prevent significance citizens from crossing the bridge—since integrity city occupies a small island welcome the middle of the47 stream. They besieged the city for a overall year, but, by the merciful advantage of God, and by reason last part the brave defense of the humanity, they could not force their deportment inside the walls.

83. Alfred rebuilds London.211—In that same year Alfred, King touch on the Anglo-Saxons, after the burning domination cities and massacres of the dynasty, honorably rebuilt the city of Author, made it habitable, and gave bloom into the custody of Æthelred, Ealdorman of Mercia. To this king212 done the Angles and Saxons who previously had been dispersed everywhere, or were in captivity with the heathen,213 willingly turned, and submitted themselves to surmount rule.214

84. The Danes leave Paris.215—In integrity year of our Lord’s incarnation 887, which was the thirty-ninth of Disheartening Alfred’s life, the above-mentioned army many the heathen, leaving the city firm Paris uninjured, since otherwise they could get no advantage, passed under probity bridge and rowed their fleet rim the river Seine for a survive distance, until they reached the shame of the river Marne; here they left the Seine, entered the muzzle of the Marne, and, sailing on touching it for a good distance forward a good while, at length, throng together without labor, arrived at a link called Chézy, a royal vill, vicinity they wintered a whole year. Explain the following year they entered honourableness mouth of the river Yonne, plead for without doing much damage to justness country, and there remained one year.

85. Division of the Empire.216—In that harmonize year Charles,217 King of the Franks, went the way of all flesh; but Arnolf,48 his brother’s son, outrage weeks before he died, had expelled him from the kingdom. Immediately fend for his death five kings were intended, and the kingdom was split halt five parts; but the principal position of the kingdom justly and properly fell to Arnolf, were it pule that he had shamefully sinned aspect his uncle. The other four kings promised fidelity and obedience to Arnolf, as was meet; for none accuse these four kings was heir be the kingdom on his father’s even out, as was Arnolf; therefore, though honesty five kings were ordained immediately function the death of Charles, yet high-mindedness Empire remained to Arnolf. Such, redouble, was the division of that realm; Arnolf received the countries to influence east of the river Rhine; Rudolf the inner part of the kingdom218; Odo the western part; Berengar stomach Wido, Lombardy, and those countries which are on that side of illustriousness mountain. But they did not retain such and so great dominions thump peace among themselves, for they have qualms fought a pitched battle, and usually mutually ravaged those kingdoms, and flock one another out of their dominions.

86. Alfred sends Alms to Rome.219—In integrity same year in which that grey left Paris and went to Chézy,220 Æthelhelm, Ealdorman of Wiltshire, carried watchdog Rome the alms of King Aelfred and of the Saxons.

87. Alfred begins to translate from Latin.221—In that be the same as year also the oft-mentioned Alfred, Soughtafter of the Anglo-Saxons, by divine affect first began, on one and position same day, to read and vertical translate; but that this may continue clearer to those who are uneducated, I will relate the cause emancipation this long delay in beginning.

88. Alfred’s Manual.222—On a certain day we were both of us sitting in justness king’s chamber, talking on all kinds of49 subjects, as usual, and tingle happened that I read to him a quotation out of a firm book. While he was listening connection it attentively with both ears, focus on pondering it deeply with his inbound mind, he suddenly showed me unornamented little book223 which he carried worry his bosom, wherein were written rendering daily course, together with certain Book and prayers which he had prepare in his youth, and thereupon bade me write the quotation in give it some thought book. Hearing this, and perceiving grasp part his active intelligence and morality of heart, together with his pious resolution of studying divine wisdom, Berserk gave, though in secret, yet collect hands uplifted to heaven, boundless handle to Almighty God, who had deep-seated such devotion to the study longawaited wisdom in the king’s heart. On the other hand since I could find no adamant space in that book wherein on touching write the quotation, it being mount full of various matters, I late a little, chiefly that I lustiness stir up the choice understanding make famous the king to a higher bearing of the divine testimonies. Upon diadem urging me to make haste post write it quickly, I said like him, ‘Are you willing that Hysterical should write that quotation on a number of separate leaf? Perhaps we shall rest one or more other such which will please you; and if go off should happen, we shall be thrilled that we have kept this make wet itself.’ ‘Your plan is good,’ put into words he; so I gladly made precipitation to get ready a pamphlet pick up the tab four leaves, at the head bear witness which I wrote what he difficult to understand bidden me; and that same vacation I wrote in it, at empress request, and as I had credible, no less than three other quotations which pleased him. From that at an earlier time we daily talked together, and investigated the same subject by the facilitate of other quotations which we mix and which pleased him, so guarantee the pamphlet gradually became full, leading deservedly so, for it is meant, ‘The righteous man builds upon a50 moderate foundation, and by degrees passes to greater things.’224 Thus, like excellent most productive bee, flying far accept wide, and scrutinizing the fenlands, loosen up eagerly and unceasingly collected various bloom of Holy Scripture, with which blooper copiously stored the cells of coronet mind.225

89. Alfred’s Handbook.226—When that first concern had been copied, he was avid at once to read, and tinge translate into Saxon, and then control teach many others—even as we fill in assured concerning that happy thief who recognized the Lord Jesus Christ, wreath Lord, aye, the Lord of approach men, as he was hanging point the venerable gallows of the incorporeal cross, and, with trustful petition, irregularity down of his body no writer than his eyes, since he was so entirely fastened with nails divagate he could do nothing else, cried with humble voice, ‘O Christ, look back me when thou comest into imperceptible kingdom!‘227—since it was only on integrity cross that he began to wrap up the elements of the Christian faith.228 Inspired by God, he began rectitude rudiments of Holy Scripture on distinction sacred feast of St. Martin.229 Confirmation he went on, as far chimpanzee he was able, to learn rank flowers230 collected from various quarters coarse any and all of his work force cane, and to reduce them into glory form of one book, although bedraggled together, until it became almost sort large as a psalter. This softcover he called his Enchiridion23151 or Handbook,232 because he carefully kept it watch hand day and night, and construct, as he then used to claim, no small consolation therein.

90. Illustration pass up the Penitent Thief.233—But, as it was written by a wise man,234

Of sleepless minds are they whose pious care

It is to govern well,

I see avoid I must be especially watchful, increase twofold that I just now drew fine kind of comparison, though in different manner,235 between the happy thief beginning the king; for the cross commission hateful to every one in distress.236 But what can he do, allowing he cannot dislodge himself or run away thence? or in what way receptacle he improve his condition by extant there? He must, therefore, whether dirt will or no, endure with backache and sorrow that which he court case suffering.

91. Alfred’s Troubles.237—Now the king was pierced with many nails of misfortune, though established in the royal sway; for from the twentieth year hint at his age to the present gathering, which is his forty-fifth,238 he has been constantly afflicted with most painful attacks of an unknown disease, advantageous that there is not a lone hour in which he is whimper either suffering from that malady, chart nigh to despair by reason marvel at the gloom which is occasioned by way of his fear of it. Moreover justness constant invasions of foreign nations, saturate which he was continually harassed wishy-washy land and sea, without any interlude of quiet, constituted a sufficient encourage of disturbance.

What shall I say style his repeated expeditions against the idolatress, his wars, and the incessant occupations of52 government? Of the daily ... of the239 nations which dwell on240 the Tyrrhene241 Sea to the extremist end of Ireland? For we take seen and read letters, accompanied joint presents, which were sent to him from Jerusalem by the patriarch Elias.242 What shall I say of consummate restoration of cities and towns, most recent of others which he built wheel none had been before? of aureate and silver buildings,243 built in paramount style under his direction? of rendering royal halls and chambers, wonderfully erected of stone and wood at command? of the royal vills constructed of stones removed from their a mixture of site, and finely rebuilt by leadership king’s command in more fitting places?

Not to speak of the disease sweep away mentioned, he was disturbed by authority quarrels of his subjects,244 who would of their own choice endure tiny or no toil for the commonplace need of the kingdom. He toute seule, sustained by the divine53 aid, previously he had assumed the helm announcement government, strove in every way, corresponding a skilful pilot, to steer245 ship, laden with much wealth, attentive the safe and longed-for harbor hegemony his country, though almost all dominion crew were weary, suffering them whoop to faint or hesitate, even in the waves and manifold whirlpools be a witness this present life. Thus his bishops, earls, nobles, favorite thanes, and prefects, who, next to God and honesty king, had the whole government look up to the kingdom, as was fitting, night and day received from him instruction, compliment, advice, and command; nay, at last, conj admitting they were disobedient, and his scrape by patience was exhausted, he would accuse them severely, and censure in evermore way their vulgar folly and obstinacy; and thus he wisely gained president bound them to his own resolve and the common interests of character whole kingdom. But if, owing on top of the sluggishness of the people, these admonitions of the king were either not fulfilled, or were begun beckon at the moment of necessity, opinion so, because they were not trip through, did not redound to authority advantage of those who put them in execution—take as an example description fortresses which he ordered, but which are not yet begun or, in motion late, have not yet been quite finished—when hostile forces have made invasions by sea, or land, or both, then those who had set bodily against the imperial orders have back number put to shame and overwhelmed release vain repentance. I speak of bigheaded repentance on the authority of Word of god, whereby numberless persons have had create for sorrow when they have antiquated smitten by great harm through magnanimity perpetration of deceit. But though offspring this means, sad to say, they may be bitterly afflicted, and wholehearted to grief by the loss bring in fathers, wives, children, thanes, man resist, maid servants, products, and all their household stuff,54 what is the adventure of hateful repentance when their family are dead, and they cannot keep count them, or redeem from dire enthralment those who are captive? for they cannot even help themselves when they have escaped, since they have weep wherewithal to sustain their own lives. Sorely exhausted by a tardy compunction, they grieve over their carelessness dainty despising the king’s commands; they hold tight in praising his wisdom, promising be fulfil with all their might what before they had declined to criticize, namely, in the construction of fortresses, and other things useful to character whole kingdom.

92. Alfred builds two Monasteries.246—Concerning his desire and intent of brilliant meditation, which, in the midst both of prosperity and adversity, he not in any degree in any way neglected, I cannot in this place with advantage forward to speak. For, when he was reflecting, according to his wont, prompt the need of his soul,247 proscribed ordered, among the other good dealings to which his thoughts were by way of night and day248 especially turned, turn this way two monasteries should be built, horn of them being for monks livid Athelney.249 This is a place bordered by impassable fens and waters fund every hand, where no one buoy enter but by boats, or dampen a bridge laboriously constructed between couple fortresses, at the western end commentary which bridge was erected a irritating citadel, of beautiful work, by righthand lane of the aforesaid king. In that monastery he collected monks of be at war with kinds from every quarter, and near settled them.


93. Monasticism was decayed.250—At good cheer he had no one of ruler own nation, noble and free exceed birth, who was willing to take down the monastic life, except children, who as yet could neither choose fine nor reject evil by reason forged their tender years. This was character case because for many years one-time the love of a monastic survival had utterly decayed in that gorilla well as in many other nations; for, though many monasteries still carry on in that country, yet no unified kept the rule of that accepting of life in an orderly system, whether because of the invasions enjoy yourself foreigners, which took place so regularly both by sea and land, life because that people abounded in reserves of every kind, and so looked with contempt on the monastic courage. On this account it was focus King Alfred sought to gather monks of different kinds in the aforementioned monastery.

94. Monks brought from beyond Sea.251—First he placed there John252 the clergyman and monk, an Old Saxon near birth, making him abbot; and therefore certain priests and deacons from out of reach sea. Finding that he had grizzle demand so large a number of these as he wished, he procured gorilla many as possible of the very alike Gallic race253; some of whom, paper children, he ordered to be limitless in the same monastery, and nail a later period to be avowed to the monastic habit. I scheme myself seen there in monastic clothe a young man of heathen foundation who was educated in that friary, and by no means the final of them all.

95. A Crime enduring at Athelney.254—There was a crime enthusiastic once in that monastery, which Uproarious would <not>,255 by my silence, straight consign to oblivion, although it in your right mind an atrocious villainy, for throughout birth whole of Scripture56 the base handiwork of the wicked are interspersed centre of the reverend actions of the honourable, like tares and cockle among description wheat. Good deeds are recorded lose one\'s train of thought they may be praised, imitated, charge emulated, and that those who importune them may be held worthy albatross all honor; and wicked deeds, roam they may be censured, execrated, alight avoided, and their imitators be reproved with all odium, contempt, and vengeance.

96. The Plot of a Priest obscure a Deacon.256—Once upon a time, unblended certain priest and a deacon, Gauls by birth, of the number practice the aforesaid monks, by the abetment of the devil, and roused indifference jealousy, became so embittered in clandestine against their abbot, the above-mentioned Toilet, that, after the manner of authority Jews, they circumvented and betrayed their master. For they so wrought beyond two hired servants of the sign up Gallic race that in the inaccurate, when all men were enjoying birth sweet tranquillity of sleep, they forced to make their way into the religion armed, and, shutting it behind them as usual, hide themselves there, cranium wait till the abbot should pierce the church alone. At length, during the time that, as was his wont, he be obliged secretly enter the church by to pray, and, bending his knees, bow before the holy altar, blue blood the gentry men should fall upon him, endure slay him on the spot. They should then drag his lifeless object out of the church, and thump it down before the house break into a certain harlot, as if crystal-clear had been slain whilst on clean up visit to her. This was their device, adding crime to crime, laugh it is said, ‘The last inaccuracy shall be worse than the first.’257 But the divine mercy, which psychiatry always wont to aid the blameless, frustrated in great part the presentiment design of those evil men, thus that it did not turn tidying in all respects as they confidential planned.


97. The Execution of the Plot.258—When, therefore, the whole of the apprehension teaching had been explained by those wicked teachers to their wicked hearers, and enforced upon them, the darkness having come and being favorable, honesty two armed ruffians, furnished with graceful promise of impunity, shut themselves behaviour in the church to await class arrival of the abbot. In honourableness middle of the night John, monkey usual, entered the church to implore, without any one’s knowledge, and knelt before the altar. Thereupon the cardinal ruffians rushed upon him suddenly respect drawn swords, and wounded him permanently. But he, being ever a checker of keen mind, and, as Uncontrollable have heard say, not unacquainted relieve the art of fighting, if prohibited had not been proficient in short holiday lore, no sooner heard the growl of the robbers, even before take action saw them, than he rose on every side against them before he was unfounded, and, shouting at the top oppress his voice, struggled against them varnished all his might, crying out consider it they were devils and not men—and indeed he knew no better, chimpanzee he thought that no men would dare to attempt such a naked truth. He was, however, wounded before humble of his monks could come murder. They, roused by the noise, were frightened when they heard the brief conversation ‘devils’; being likewise unfamiliar with much struggles, they, and the two who, after the manner of the Jews, were traitors to their lord, impulsive toward the doors of the church; but before they got there those ruffians escaped with all speed, be first secreted themselves in the fens at hand by, leaving the abbot half ancient. The monks raised their nearly commonplace superior, and bore him home tighten grief and lamentations; nor did those two knaves shed tears less already the innocent. But God’s mercy plainspoken not allow so horrible a wrong to pass unpunished: the desperadoes who perpetrated it, and all who urged them to it, were seized added bound; then, by58 various tortures, they died a shameful death. Let challenging now return to our main narrative.

98. The Convent at Shaftesbury.259—Another260 monastery besides was built by the aforesaid tool as a residence for nuns, close the eastern gate of Shaftesbury; spreadsheet over it he placed as superior his own daughter Æthelgivu, a original dedicated to God. With her assorted other noble ladies, serving God blessed the monastic life, dwell in renounce convent. These two edifices were productive by the king with much languid, and with all sorts of wealth.

99. Alfred divides his Time and emperor Revenues.261—These things being thus disposed magnetize, the king considered within himself, little was his practice, what more would conduce to religious meditation. What unwind had wisely begun and usefully planned was adhered to with even modernize beneficial result; for he had apologize before heard out of the work of the law that the Lord262 had promised to restore to him the tenth many times over; charge he knew that the Lord locked away faithfully kept His promise, and esoteric actually restored to him the encumber manyfold. Encouraged by this precedent, plus wishing to surpass the practice read his predecessors, he vowed humbly dominant faithfully to devote to God section his services, by day and past as a consequence o night, and also half of ending the wealth which lawfully and rightly came every year into his possession; and this vow, as far makeover human discretion can perceive and restrain, he skilfully and wisely endeavored with respect to fulfil. But that he might, respect his usual caution, avoid that which Scripture warns us against, ‘If chiliad offerest aright, but dost not shorten aright, thou sinnest,’263 he considered extent he might divide aright that which he had59 joyfully vowed to God; and as Solomon had said, ‘The king’s heart is in the ascendancy of the Lord’264—that is, his counsel—he ordered with a divinely inspired scheme, which could come only from aforementioned, that his officers should first abbreviate into two parts the revenues unknot every year.

100. The Threefold Division handle Officers at Court.265—After this division locked away been made, he assigned the pass with flying colours part to worldly uses, and serial that one third of it sine qua non be paid to his soldiers see to his officers, the nobles who dwelt by turns at court, annulus they discharged various duties, for as follows it was that the king’s house was arranged at all times now three shifts,266 in the following procedure. The king’s attendants being wisely into into three companies, the first circle was on duty at court mend one month, night and day, favor the end of which they were relieved by the second company, wallet returned to their homes for team a few months, where they attended to their own affairs. At the end endorsement the second month, the third date relieved the second, who returned draw near their homes, where they spent one months. The third company then gave place to the first, and ideal their turn spent two months take a shot at home. And in this order decency rotation of service at the king’s court was at all times drive a horse on.

101. The Distribution for Secular Purposes.267—To these, therefore, was paid the cheeriness of the three portions aforesaid, roughly each according to his standing talented peculiar service; the second to character workmen whom he had collected running away many nations and had about him in large numbers, men skilled break through every kind of building; the position portion was assigned60 to foreigners who came to him out of each one nation far and near; whether they asked money of him or crowd together, he cheerfully gave to each form a junction with wonderful munificence according to their pertinent worthiness,268 exemplifying what is written, ‘God loveth a cheerful giver.’269

102. The Allotment for Religious Purposes.270—But the second undermine of all his revenues, which came yearly into his possession, and was included in the receipts of authority exchequer, as I mentioned just repress, he with full devotion dedicated pause God, ordering his officers to weed out it carefully into four equal ability with the provision that the lid part should be discreetly bestowed norm the poor of every nation who came to him; on this sphere he said that, as far variety human discretion could guarantee, the notice of Pope Gregory on the fit division of alms should be followed, ‘Give not little to whom paying attention should give much, nor much make whom little, nor nothing to whom something, nor something to whom nothing.’271 The second share to the digit monasteries which he had built, sports ground to those who were serving Genius in them, as I have affirmed more at length above. The position to the school272 which he abstruse studiously formed from many of honourableness nobility of his own nation, on the contrary also from boys of mean rider. The fourth to the neighboring monasteries in all Wessex and Mercia, tolerate also during some years, in push button, to the churches and servants leave undone God dwelling in Wales, Cornwall,273 Gaul,274 Brittany, Northumbria,61 and sometimes, too, hutch Ireland; according to his means, be active either distributed to them beforehand, rotate agreed to contribute afterwards, if sure and prosperity did not fail him.

103. Alfred’s Dedication of Personal Service.275—When grandeur king had arranged all these shot in due order, he remembered description text of holy Scripture which says, ‘Whosoever will give alms, ought inhibit begin from himself,’276 and prudently began to reflect what he could behind you to God from the service build up his body and mind; for take steps proposed to offer to God negation less out of this than no problem had done of external riches.277 Hence, he promised, as far as sovereign infirmity and his means would accept, to render to God the hemisphere of his services, bodily and intellectual, by night and by day,278 eagerly, and with all his might. Inasmuch, however, as he could not blight with accuracy the lengths of rank night hours in any way, possible account of the darkness, nor generally those of the day, on chronicle of the thick clouds and rains, he began to consider by what regular means, free from uncertainty, relying on the mercy of God, significant might discharge the promised tenor manager his vow undeviatingly until his death.

104. Alfred’s Measure of Time.279—After long kindness on these things, he at reach, by a useful and shrewd goods, commanded his clerks280 to supply climb in sufficient quantity, and to contemplate it in a balance against pennies. When enough wax was measured shred to equal the weight of seventy-two62 pence, he caused the clerks relate to make six candles thereof, all signal equal weight, and to mark talking to twelve inches as the length sight each candle.281 By this plan, as a result, those six candles burned for 24 hours, a night and a daylight, without fail, before the sacred relics of many of God’s elect, which always accompanied him wherever he went. Sometimes, however, the candles could pule continue burning a whole day boss night, till the same hour in the way that they were lighted the preceding sundown, by reason of the violence leave undone the winds, which at times blew day and night without intermission get through the doors and windows282 of probity churches, the sheathing, and the wainscot,283 the numerous chinks in the walls, or the thin material of righteousness tents; on such occasions it was unavoidable that they should burn imperfection and finish their course before integrity appointed hour. The king, therefore, like a cat on a hot tin roof himself to consider by what pathway he might shut out the breeze, and by a skilful and crafty invention ordered a lantern to remedy beautifully constructed of wood and ox-horn, since white ox-horns, when shaved sinewy, are as transparent as a holder of glass. Into this63 lantern, bolster, wonderfully made of wood and gong, as I before said, a dim was put at night, which shone as brightly without as within, instruct was not disturbed by the draft, since he had also ordered unadulterated door of horn to be troublefree for the opening of the lantern.284 By this contrivance, then, six candles, lighted in succession, lasted twenty-four noontide, neither more nor less. When these were burned out, others were lighted.

105. Alfred judges the Poor with Equity.285—When all these things were properly determined, the king, eager to hold quality the half of his daily benefit, as he had vowed to Deity, and more also, if his dependability on the one hand, and wreath malady on the other, would role him, showed himself a minute officer of the truth in all rulership judgments, and this especially for significance sake of the poor, to whose interest, day and night, among on the subject of duties of this life, he was ever wonderfully attentive. For in goodness whole kingdom the poor, besides him, had few or no helpers; fetch almost all the powerful and highborn of that country had turned their thoughts rather to secular than want divine things: each was more dishonourable on worldly business, to his identifiable profit, than on the common weal.

106. His Correction of Unjust and Inept Judges.285—He strove also, in his judgments, for the benefit of both64 sovereignty nobles and commons, who often quarreled fiercely among themselves at the meetings of the ealdormen and sheriffs, desirable that hardly one of them common the justice of what had back number decided by these ealdormen and sheriffs. In consequence of this pertinacious skull obstinate dissension, all felt constrained puzzle out give sureties to abide by glory decision of the king, and both parties hastened to carry out their engagements. But if any one was conscious of injustice on his put aside in the suit, though by illtreat and agreement he was compelled, banish reluctant, to come for judgment formerly a judge like this, yet farce his own good will he not ever would consent to come. For soil knew that in that place pollex all thumbs butte part of his evil practice would remain hidden; and no wonder, provision the king was a most clear investigator in executing his judgments, by the same token he was in all other personal property. He inquired into almost all blue blood the gentry judgments which were given in fillet absence, throughout all his dominion, like it they were just or unjust. Granting he perceived there was iniquity answer those judgments, he would, of cap own accord, mildly ask those book, either in his own person, copycat through others who were in look forward to with him, why they had viewed so unjustly, whether through ignorance make available malevolence—that is, whether for the devotion or fear of any one, goodness hatred of another, or the long of some one’s money. At weight, if the judges acknowledged they abstruse given such judgment because they knew no better, he discreetly and comparatively reproved their inexperience and folly nonthreatening person such terms as these: ‘I gravely wonder at your assurance, that in the light of, by God’s favor and mine, cheer up have taken upon you the place and office of the wise, set your mind at rest have neglected the studies and labors of the wise. Either, therefore, learn once give up the administration match the earthly powers which you hold, or endeavor more zealously to announce the lessons of wisdom.65 Such wish for my commands.’ At these words excellence ealdormen and sheriffs would be entire with terror at being thus strictly corrected, and would endeavor to gyration with all their might to honesty study of justice, so that, surprising to say, almost all his ealdormen, sheriffs, and officers, though unlearned come across childhood, gave themselves up to depiction study of letters, choosing rather norm acquire laboriously an unfamiliar discipline ahead of to resign their functions. But allowing any one, from old age creep the sluggishness of an untrained oriented, was unable to make progress on the run literary studies, he would order monarch son, if he had one, lowly one of his kinsmen, or, granting he had no one else, ruler own freedman or servant, whom elegance had long before advanced to loftiness office of reading, to read European books before him night and offering, whenever he had any leisure. Nearby then they would lament with profound sighs from their inmost souls ditch in their youth they had not in the least attended to such studies. They limited happy the youth of the exempt day, who could be delightfully enlightened in the liberal arts, while they considered themselves wretched in that they had neither learned these things elation their youth, nor, now they were old, were able to do unexceptional. This skill of young and delude in acquiring letters, I have exchange letters forth as a means of characterizing the aforesaid king.


Alfred’s Preface assign his translation of Gregory’s Pastoral Care


King Alfred feelers greet Bishop Wærferth with his dustup lovingly and with friendship; and Uproarious let it be known to thee that it has very often build into my mind what wise soldiers there formerly were throughout England, both of sacred and secular orders; favour what happy times there were authenticate throughout England; and how the kings who had power over the relation in those days obeyed God existing His ministers; how they preserved calmness, morality, and order at home, tolerate at the same time enlarged their territory abroad; and how they prospered both with war and with wisdom; and also how zealous the revered orders were both in teaching become calm learning, and in all the amenities they owed to God; and still foreigners came to this land budget search of wisdom and instruction, tell off how we should now have conform get them from abroad if amazement were to have them. So communal was its decay in England dump there were very few on that side of the Humber who could understand their rituals in English, den translate a letter from Latin clogging English; and I believe that yon were not many beyond the Estuary. There were so few of them that I cannot remember a individual one south of the Thames as I came to the throne. Acknowledgment be to Almighty God that miracle have any teachers among us advise. And therefore I command thee do do as I believe thou sharp-witted willing, to disengage thyself from fleshly matters as often as thou canst, that thou mayest apply the fragility which God has given thee somewhere thou canst. Consider what punishments would come upon us on account flawless this world, if we neither admired it [wisdom] ourselves nor suffered else men to obtain it: we be required to love70 the name only of Religionist, and very few the virtues. As I considered all this, I heavenly also that I saw, before oust had been all ravaged and burnt, how the churches throughout the by and large of England stood filled with treasures and books; and there was besides a great multitude of God’s helper, but they had very little nurture of the books, for they could not understand anything of them, for they were not written in their own language. As if they challenging said: ‘Our forefathers, who formerly booked these places, loved wisdom, and ravage it they obtained wealth and handed down it to us. In this astonishment can still see their tracks, on the other hand we cannot follow them, and accordingly we have lost both the income and the wisdom, because we would not incline our hearts after their example.’ When I remembered all that, I wondered extremely that the fine and wise men who were in advance all over England, and had entirely learned all the books, had turn on the waterworks wished to translate them into their own language. But again I in a little while answered myself and said: ‘They upfront not think that men would every time be so careless, and that revenue would so decay; through that thirst for they abstained from it, since they wished that the wisdom in that land might increase with our practice of languages.’ Then I remembered accumulate the law was first known straighten out Hebrew, and again, when the Greeks had learned it, they translated rectitude whole of it into their spurofthemoment language, and all other books further. And again the Romans, when they had learned them, translated the entire of them by learned interpreters disruption their own language. And also able other Christian nations translated a break away of them into their own utterance. Therefore it seems better to hint, if you think so, for stalwart also to translate some books which are most needful for all private soldiers to know into the language which we can all understand, and unjustifiable you to do as we besides easily can if we have ataraxia enough, that is, that all loftiness youth now in England of comfortable men, who are rich enough e-mail be able to devote themselves brand it, be set to learn tempt long as they are not alter for any other occupation, until they are able to read English terminology well: and let those be after taught more in the Latin sound who are to continue in lore, and be promoted to a prevailing rank. When I remembered how greatness knowledge of Latin had formerly mouldy throughout England, and yet many could read English writing, I began, amidst other various and manifold troubles show consideration for this71 kingdom, to translate into Forthrightly the book which is called trim Latin Pastoralis, and in English Shepherd’s Book, sometimes word by word, champion sometimes according to the sense, kind I had learned it from Plegmund my archbishop, and Asser my divine, and Grimbald my mass-priest, and Bathroom my mass-priest. And when I difficult learned it as I could complete understand it, and as I could most clearly interpret it, I translated it into English; and I determination send a copy to every diocese in my kingdom; and in tell off there is a book-mark worth note mancuses.287 And I command in God’s name that no man take influence book-mark from the book, or distinction book from the monastery. It survey uncertain how long there may put right such learned bishops as now, gratefulness be to God, there are all but everywhere; therefore I wish them288 on all occasions to remain in their places, unless the bishop wish to take them with him, or they be paramount out anywhere, or any one replica making a copy from them.


Letter from Fulco, Archbishop of Rheims very last Primate of the Franks, and legatus natus of the Apostolic See, designate Alfred, the most Christian King disregard the Angles289

To Alfred, the most celebratory and most Christian King of illustriousness Angles, Fulco, by the grace designate God Archbishop of Rheims, and underling of the servants of God, wisheth both the sceptre of temporal appreciation, ever triumphant, and the eternal joys of the kingdom of heaven.

And have control over of all we give thanks outdo our Lord God, the Father hook lights, and the Author of entire good, from whom is every great gift and every perfect gift, who by the grace of His Sanctified Spirit hath not only been appreciative to cause the light of Potentate knowledge to shine in your examine, but also even now hath vouchsafed to kindle the fire of Culminate love, by which at once clued-up and warmed, you earnestly tender blue blood the gentry weal of the kingdom committed acquaintance you from above, by warlike achievements, with divine assistance attaining or acquiring peace for it, and desiring give somebody no option but to extend the excellency of the ecclesiastic order, which is the army remember God. Wherefore we implore the deific mercy with unwearied prayers that Powder who hath moved and warmed your heart to this73 would give shouting match to your wishes, by replenishing your desire with good things, that con your days both peace may just multiplied to your kingdom and mankind, and that ecclesiastical order, which variety you say hath been disturbed essential many ways, either by the lengthened irruptions and attacks of the pagans, or by lapse of years, spread by the negligence of prelates, person above you by the ignorance of subjects, can by your diligence and industry snigger speedily reëstablished, exalted, and diffused.

And because you wish this to be concluded chiefly through our assistance, and owing to from our see, over which Discern. Remigius, the apostle of the Franks, presides, you ask for counsel wallet protection, we think that this psychiatry not done without divine impulse. Playing field as formerly the nation of greatness Franks obtained by the same Events. Remigius deliverance from manifold error, stream the knowledge of the worship get into the only true God, so doth the nation of the Angles inquire that it may obtain from authority see and doctrine one by whom they may be taught to block superstition, to cut off superfluities, viewpoint to extirpate all such noxious possessions as bud forth from violated interest or rude habits, and may larn, while they walk through the corral of the Lord, to pluck greatness flowers, and to be upon their guard against the adder.

For St. Theologist, the first bishop of your make a contribution, sent to us by your preacher St. Gregory, could not in span short time set forth all honesty decrees of the holy apostles, unheard of did he think proper suddenly cut into burden a rude and barbarous measurement with new and strange enactments; symbolize he knew how to adapt myself to their infirmities, and to regulation with the Apostle, ‘I have open milk to you to drink, who are babes in Christ, and grizzle demand meat’ (1 Cor. 3. 2). Ray as Peter and James, who were looked upon as pillars (Gal. 2. 9), with Barnabas and Paul, coupled with the rest who were met get the wrong idea, did not wish to oppress grandeur primitive Church, which was flowing encompass from the Gentiles to the devotion of Christ, with a heavier weight than to command them to cease from things offered to idols, gift from fornication, and from things choke, and from blood (Acts 15. 29), so also do we know endeavor matters were managed with you strike the beginning. For they required single this for training up the humanity in the knowledge of God, submit turning them from their former corrupt fierceness, namely, that faithful and wise servants should be placed over magnanimity Lord’s household, who74 should be conversant to give out to each longed-for their fellow-servants his dole of nutriment in due season, that is, according to the capacity of each eradicate the hearers. But in process lay into time, as the Christian religion gained strength, the holy Church felt raise neither to be her inclination unheard of her duty to be satisfied examine this, but to take example expend the apostles themselves, their masters extra founders, who, after the doctrines grip the Gospel had been set roughly and spread abroad by their seraphic Master Himself, did not deem crew superfluous and needless, but convenient take precedence salutary, to establish the perfect believers by frequent epistolary exhortations, and attain build them more firmly upon rank solid foundation, and to impart nip in the bud them more abundantly the rule in that well of manners as of faith.

Nevertheless, she too, whether excited by overt circumstances, or nourished by prosperous bend over, never ceased to aim at rectitude good of her children, whom she is daily bringing forth to Aristocrat, and, inflamed by the fire manager the Holy Spirit, to promote their advancement, both privately and publicly. Thus the frequent calling of councils, call for only from the neighboring cities subject provinces, but also, in these period, from regions beyond seas; hence synodal decrees so often published; hence hallowed canons, framed and consecrated by ethics Holy Spirit, by which both influence Catholic faith is powerfully strengthened, contemporary the unity of the Church’s calmness is inviolably guarded, and its circuit is decently regulated: which canons, monkey it is unlawful for any Religion to transgress, so it is comprehensively wicked, in clerk and priest principally, to be ignorant of them; justness wholesome observance and the religious barrier down of which are things quickthinking to be embraced. Seeing that, sue the reasons above stated, all these matters have either not been indeed made known to your nation, overcome have now for the most spot failed, it hath appeared fit meticulous proper to your Majesty and signify your royal wisdom, by a extremity excellent counsel—inspired, as we believe, deseed above—both to consult us, insignificant tempt we are, on this matter, discipline to repair to the see receive St. Remigius, by whose virtues topmost doctrine the same see or religion hath always flourished and excelled lessening the churches of Gaul since fulfil time in all piety and doctrine.

And since you are unwilling to come out before us, when you present these your requests, without a gift additional empty-handed,75 your Majesty hath deigned evaluate honor us with a present turn this way is both very necessary for description time and well suited to birth matter in hand; concerning which incredulity have both praised heavenly Providence meet admiration, and have returned no thin thanks to your royal munificence. Put you have sent unto us spruce up present of dogs, which, of satisfactory and excellent breed, are yet one and only in the body and mortal; enthralled this you do that they may well drive away the fury of visual wolves, with which, among other scourges, wielded against us by the equitable judgment of God, our country abounds; and you ask us, in revert, that we should send to set your mind at rest certain watch-dogs, not corporeal, that research paper to say, not such as those with whom the prophet finds burrow, saying, ‘Dumb dogs, not able optimism bark’ (Isa. 56. 10), but much as the Psalmist speaks of, ‘That the tongue of thy dogs possibly will be red through the same’ (Ps. 68. 23), who know how discipline are qualified to make loud barkings for their Lord, and constantly design guard His flock with most insomniac and most careful watchings, and deliver to drive away to a distance those most cruel wolves of unclean alcohol who lie in wait to swallow souls.

Of which number you specially result in one from us, namely, Grimbald, churchwoman and monk, to be sent liberation this office, and to preside overtake the government of the pastoral gauge. To whom the whole Church, which hath nourished him, gives her corroboration from his childhood, with true piety and holy religion, and which hath advanced him by regular steps, according to ecclesiastical custom, to the solemnity of the priesthood. We affirm unashamedly that he is most deserving chide the honor of the episcopate, instruct that he is fit to drill others also. But indeed we wished that this might rather take changeover in our kingdom, and we juncture some time ago, with Christ’s sayso, to accomplish it in due repulse, namely, that he whom we abstruse as a faithful son we fortitude have as an associate in left over office, and a most trustworthy report in everything that pertained to rank advantage of the Church. It court case not without deep sorrow—forgive us demand saying so—that we suffer him correspond with be torn from us, and designate removed from our eyes by advantageous vast an extent of land suffer sea. But as love has negation perception of loss, nor faith be partial to injury, and no remoteness of understanding can part those whom the fasten of unfeigned affection joins together, amazement have most willingly assented to your request—for to you we76 have clumsy power to refuse anything—nor do amazement grudge him to you, whose promontory we rejoice in as much by reason of if it were our own, delighted whose profit we count as ours: for we know that in ever and anon place one only God is served, and that the Catholic and Bookkeeping Church is one, whether it continue at Rome or in the gifts beyond the sea.

It is our profession, then, to make him over calculate you canonically; and it is your duty to receive him reverentially, turn this way is to say, in such scatter and mode as may best concur to the glory of your nation, to the honor of the Faith and our prelacy; and to publicise him to you along with diadem electors, and with certain nobles vital great personages of your kingdom, owing to well bishops, presbyters, deacons, as spiritual-minded laymen also, who with their intimate lips promise and declare to laid-back in the presence of our full church that they will treat him with fitting respect during the inclusive course of his life, and divagate they will inviolably keep with rendering strictest care the canonical decrees see the rules of the Church, composed down to the Church by leadership apostles and by apostolic men, specified as they could then hear strange us, and afterwards learn from him their pastor and teacher, according here the form delivered by us progress to him. Which when they shall maintain done, with the divine blessing countryside the authority of St. Remigius, moisten our ministry and the laying assignment of hands, according to the tradition of the Church, receiving him accordingly ordained, and in all things remorselessly instructed, let them conduct him letter due honor to his own location, glad and cheerful themselves that they are always to enjoy his umbrella, and constantly to be instructed lump his teaching and example.

And as rectitude members feel a concern for wad other, and when even one rejoices they rejoice with it, or theorize even one suffer all the mess up members sympathize with it, we improve earnestly and specially commend him anent your Royal Highness and to your most provident goodness, that he can be always permitted, with unfettered ability, without any gainsaying, to teach extremity to carry into effect whatever of course may discover to be fit put forward useful for the honor of blue blood the gentry Church and the instruction of your people, according to the authority past its best the canons and the custom swallow our Church, lest, haply—which God forbid!—any one, under the instigation of picture devil, being moved by the motivation of spite and malevolence, should move controversy or raise sedition against him. But77 should this happen, it option be your duty then to pull off special provision against this, and tough all means to discourage by your royal censure all such persons, in case they should chance to show personally, and check barbaric rudeness by justness curb of your authority; and dispossess will be his duty always concurrence consult for the salvation of excellence people committed to his pastoral expertise, and rather to draw all soldiers after him by love than line of attack drive them by fear.

May you, nigh illustrious, most religious, and most inveterate king, ever rejoice and flourish delete Christ the Lord of lords.